Chapter 5 - Jason's Nightmare

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Freddy said," come on Jason attack me. I'll let you get the first hit." As Jason was walking up to Freddy and was about to stab him, Freddy disappeared. "Over here!" Said Freddy. He was behind Jason. Jason turned around and tried to hit Freddy, but Freddy kept disappearing.Freddy said," What's wrong, Hahahaha". "................", said Jason. He then grabbed his machete and threw it at Freddy. Freddy was impaled." Hahaha, finally", Freddy said. He was bleeding a lot. Then he pulled out the machete that was stuck in his chest." Is that all you've got?!" Yelled Freddy. Jason was furious, so he walked up to Freddy and grabbed him by the neck. He was choking Freddy, but Freddy disappeared again and appeared behind Jason. Freddy started to stab Jason with his claws. He repeatedly stabbed Jason. Then he threw Jason across the room and he crashed through a wall. Behind the wall there was a fire pit, Jason fell in and he caught on fire. Freddy followed him. They were both on fire. Freddy then ran to Jason and stabbed him in the eyes, but Jason kicked Freddy away from him. Freddy was surprised," why won't you die?!". Then Freddy put his claws on the fire. The blades turned orange because they were on fire." You're gonna feel this!" Yelled Freddy."...........", said Jason. "These blades are going to rip through your intestines", Freddy added. Freddy lifted his arm and ran to Jason. He was about to thrust his whole hand into Jason's chest, but Jason grabbed Freddy's arm at the last minute and ripped it off." Ouch!!", yelled Freddy." Just kidding", he added. He then grew another arm." Hahaha". You're pathetic".


Laurie and Paul tied Jason with a rope. "That will stop him... For now", said Paul." When are the police coming?" Asked Laurie." I don't know", replied Paul." Come on let's put him in the car until the police comes", Paul said."okay," Laurie said. They both lifted him up and slowly walked over to the car." Okay now we just have to wait", said Paul. They patiently waited.


Freddy was tossing Jason around like a rag." Not so tough now huh, Jason?" Asked Freddy." Hahahaha!", yelled Freddy." This is fun.


The police finally showed up." Hey, over here, the murderer is in the car!" Shouted Paul. The police officers pulled their guns out and slowly walked over to Jason. Jason started to twitch again. The officers got scared," he's alive, fire!" Shouted an officer. They started shooting him.


Freddy had Jason on the floor." I'm finally gonna kill you!" Freddy raised his hand up. When he was about to stab him, Jason disappeared." No no no NOOOOOO!!!" Shouted Freddy.


The police officers woke him up when they were shooting him. Jason fell out of the car, he couldn't move because he was tied up." Call for back up!" Said an officer. There was about 30 police officers and they needed more. The officers were scared.

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