Chapter 4 - Revenge

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Laurie was in a deep sleep now. Then she was in a dark room. She heard footsteps approaching her. She knew it was Freddy." I know it's you Freddy and I'm not afraid of you anymore," she said." I know you're still afraid Laurie", said Freddy Krueger." I know your weakness", said Laurie." Hahahahaha, I have no weakness you fool," said Freddy." Yes you do", replied Laurie "Were you planning to take me out of my world and into the real world, because that won't work anymore, there was more people that I killed in their dreams and they thought of this idea too", said Freddy." What happened to them?" Asked Laurie." Well first, they pulled me out, and then they killed me, but I still came back and killed them so your plan won't work", said Freddy. Laurie began to cry." Wake me up already, please wake me up", she thought to herself. Freddy wasn't saying anything, he was just standing there. So Laurie stopped crying. Suddenly he asked,"Do you want to... Die". She shook her head no." Then I won't kill you........IN ONE CONDITION", he yelled." What?" She asked." You and your friends have to find a way to put Jason to sleep", he replied." Jason...Jason V...V...Voorhees?" She asked." Yes", he said."How?" Asked Laurie." You could try a tranquilizer, it'll give me enough time to kill him", Freddy said." Ummm... Okay", replied Laurie. Then Freddy disappeared. Laurie woke up and Paul was right next to her." What happened?" He asked." He said that our plan won't work and that he wasn't going to kill me", replied Laurie." So he's leaving us alone?" Asked Paul." No he said in one condition", Laurie said." What, what is it?" Paul asked." Freddy said that we have to find a way to get Jason to go to sleep and then he won't kill us", said Laurie." He said we could try a tranquilizer", she added." Great I brought one in my backpack just incase we were attacked by a bear or something", said Paul." Well, come on let's get it", Laurie said. As they were heading out the door, the door broke and a body flew through it. Someone was killed and thrown to the door. They checked who the body was.................. It was Anna. She had a machete stuck on her head and she was really bloody. Laurie and Paul screamed. Then they saw Will run in the cabin saying," hey we got his attention but Anna is dead". Will was really bloody as well. He then fell to the floor, bled out and died. Only Laurie and Paul remained." Call the police hurry!" Shouted Paul. So Laurie ran to the phone." Hello, there's a murderer trying to kill me and my friend please help!" She shouted." Okay, can you tell me your location please!" I'm at Camp Crystal Lake, please hurry!" Yelled Laurie. And she hung up. Right after she hung up a large man, also known as....... Jason, was approaching them. Laurie couldn't believe that the myth was actually true and that she was looking at him. She's heard of him but she has never seen him. Jason then kicked Will out of his way and pulled the machete, that was stuck on Anna's head, out. Paul and Laurie ran out the back door. Jason was coming out the back door too. So Laurie and Paul ran to their car. They looked back and Jason wasn't there. When they turned back to the car Jason grabbed Paul by the neck and threw him to the floor. Laurie ran to the car and took out the tranquilizer. When she was about to use it on him, he slapped it out of her hand." Help!" Shouted Laurie, as Jason held the machete. When he was about stab her, Paul came from behind and used the tranquilizer on him. Jason just stood still for a while, then he fell down to the floor. Laurie and Paul were relieved. Jason was now laying on the floor. He started to twitch a little, so Paul grabbed Jason's machete and stabbed him. Laurie and Paul then ran to the car and tried to turn it on, but it wouldn't turn on.

Jason was dreaming. He was in an empty room. He was looking around trying to spot Freddy. Jason then saw a body hit the ground right next to him. It was his mom and she was on fire. When he walked up to her, she pulled out a knife and stabbed him. She was laughing. Jason then realized that it wasn't his mother so he punched her. It was Freddy pretending to be his mom. Jason pulled the knife out that was stuck on his leg. Freddy and Jason stood in front of each other, face-to-face.

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