Chapter 6 - Jason's Rampage

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Jason didn't like the idea that they were shooting him, so he was mad. He ripped the the ropes that were tied around him and he pulled the machete, that Paul stabbed him with, from his chest." How is he still alive!" Asked a police officer. Jason grabbed a police officer and snapped his neck." KEEP FIRING BOYS!" Yelled an officer. Jason was getting shot at from all directions. He was surrounded by the police. Jason slit an officer's throat with his machete. Then he sliced another officer in half. After that he stabbed one in the eye." We need some serious back up! This guys crazy!" Yelled an officer on the phone.

Jason killed all the police officers. Then the SWAT team came to Camp Crystal Lake on a helicopter. They fired missiles at him. They didn't miss and they shot him with everything they had. There was fire all over where Jason was standing. They Thought he was dead." We did it boys, now let's go back" they flew away. Jason was still alive. He grabbed a spear and threw it at the helicopter. It hit the pilot in the forehead. They lost control and crashed ." Oh no! He's still alive," yelled Laurie." Run!"Paul yelled.
They got in a police car and drove back to their houses.
Jason walked into the woods and he disappeared." Ch, ch, ch, ch, ch... Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah".

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