Chapter 9 - Freddy vs Jason

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As Jason walked out through the front door, Freddy jumped in front of him."Where do you think you're going with MMYYYY Laurie?" He asked. Freddy grabbed her head and pulled it towards him, trying to get Jason to let go of it. Then Jason pulled it towards himself. Freddy pulled it towards himself again. Then they were going back and forth, until Jason threw Freddy to the floor." Well you wanna settle this once and for all, okay. The loser has to leave and never come back!" Said Freddy."...................", replied Jason. Freddy slowly walked up to Jason. Jason lifted Freddy up and slammed him on the ground." Ouch!" Yelled Freddy. Then Freddy yelled" I HATE YOU! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!". Freddy took Jason's machete away and dropped it on the ground. Then Jason grabbed Freddy's blade glove. They switched weapons. Jason then put the glove on and Freddy picked the machete up. Freddy stabbed Jason In the chest and Jason stabbed Freddy in the eyes." I'm sorry did that hurt?! Hahahahahahahaha!" Laughed Freddy. Freddy then said," you know what? I don't really like this piece of junk". And tossed the machete back to Jason. Jason picked it up and threw Freddy's glove back at him. Freddy then picked a steel pole up and threw it at Jason.
Just then Paul drove up to Laurie's house. He saw Laurie's head on the floor, ran up to it and started crying. He got mad at Freddy and Jason, who were fighting. So he walked up to them and punched Jason on the chest, but he didn't even flinch." You think you're so tough Jason huh?" Asked Paul." Hahahahahhahahahah!" Freddy laughed." What's so funny?" Paul asked." Ohhhh nothing", replied Freddy." Hey umm... You might wanna watch behind you." Said Freddy. As Jason ran his machete right through Paul's head." Oooohhhh that's gotta hurt. Hahahahahaha!" Yelled Freddy. "Anyways never mind him. It's you I want to see die", said Freddy.

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