I say sumo you say wrestling

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We were at school, Milton was talking about his spelling bee trophy, for whatever reason really excited about it, even when it was super tiny. Then a few minutes later, Jack and I (outfit 3) came around the corner he had an arm swung over my side like a one armed hug as everyone started chanting his name, cheering him on.

We had a routine, it not really, it was a due thing, we'd helped win a trophy for the gymnastics team in over 15 years. Everyone was so excited. Now, now, I didn't do it alone, I had my little sister help me, she's really the one to thank for this. They took a ladder and placed our trophy up next to the others. Come on you guys show us what you did to win it. Eddie told us.

We looked at each other, smirking, ladies first. Jack gestured to me. Lead us in little sister. A beat of a song played, I flipped into a double hand spring landing in the splits, and then Jack backflipped over me and I took his hands and did one of those cartwheels without my hands over him and flew through the air, as he caught me in his arms, and then everyone clapped and cheered as he brushed his hair out of his face then my own.

As we high fived each other. Jack pulled out his water and squirted into his own mouth and then had me back up and squirted in distance into my own. And neither of us even missed a beat. It was like we'd never been a part a day in our lives. That we'd picked back up where we left off. We'd always done everything together. Now we were together again.

But hey, a deal was a deal, the teacher got a big a wedgie and we all walked off. Except Milton. I stopped. I nudged Jack. Hey Milton are you coming? I'll be right there. Hey, Milton you go, if you want me to put that up for you I'd be more than happy too. Ok, thanks. I went to go climb the ladder. I placed the trophy up on top. Put I launched too high to get up there and accidentally kicked the ladder away. Oh no! I grabbed onto the ledge.

I can't get down! HELP! My hands started to slip. Ah! I cried out. Then this staff member came and caught me when I fell. OMG thank you so much. No problem, just be carful ok kiddo? He said ruffling my hair. You can put me down now. At the end of school, we were all walking back together. Jack was freaking out. Farrah are you sure you're ok?! I'm fine Jack really. I can't help it, I mean after all you've been through already.... Jack?!

What? Stop, please. What's he talking about? Nothing I snapped. Sorry, it's nothing. But anyways IDK who he was, but I know I've seen him before, he put me down and walked away. Yeah, I've never noticed him. How? How did you not notice a like 600 lb. janitor, but you knew when that one girl switched her pony tail from the left to the right side. Yep that's Jack for ya, always has been, always will be.

Hey, no.... He says as he explains what it really was the opposite side and a braid not a ponytail. And third.... I didn't want to hear third and rolled my eyes. Hey Rudi what's up? What do you have there. Hey kiddo, he says giving me a one armed hug. So guys I've got some bad news.... Oh no! The magic tricks store went out of business. Next thing we know he's pulling out the handkerchief trick.

I clapped my hands, I love magic. At the end of it he pulled out a bouquet of flowers. Here you go kiddo. Jerry was freaking out. We walked inside the dojo, and I put the flowers in my locker. What Rudy was happy about was that now there would be new storage space. We really needed that, it was so cluttered in here, and as to prove it Kim opened a closet and everything came tumbling down.

I was in the way. See, now we've lost Farrah under all this stuff. Kim reached in the pile lifting her arms underneath me and pulled me out. She tossed me over to Jack. Who wrapped an arm around me. You ok? So much stuff I whined playfully, shivering. Rudy rolled his eyes. Then a cat came out of it, and got in his little red wagon and they rolled off in a huff.

Unfortunately when Rudy got down there Reptile world things were down there too, and one of the poison ness lizards got out. It was on Rudy, and it bit him and he started showing side effects. The next day, Milton decided it would be a good idea to make a cake for the guy that saved me, he said that if I hadn't been there he would've been the one that fell. But when we went to his room, we found out he had once been a world famous sumo wrestler. And Rudy tried again to move his storage down to the new storage area for the reptile world guy to try and kick him out this time, they both wanted this space. They would have to work something out.

Later at lunch, we approached the guy. He smiled giving a light chuckle patting my head, telling me it was his job. Milton said yeah, if she hadn't been there I would've. I said stop stop bringing it up. Well, I'm glade you're safe but I'd rather catch a girl then a red headed boy any day. He talked to us, and then we got him to show us his victory dance, but the the whole room shook. We all fell to the ground.

You ok? I'm fine Jack, I said doing that move where I use my feet to jump back up into getting up. He grabbed my hand so that I wouldn't fall back down. One thing lead to another and by complete accident Milton tried to stand up for him, but got him fired instead. Milton just wanted to be a hero, we three were walking back, and a guy ran by stealing a women's purse, and the next thing we knew Jack tripped him and sent him flying with his karate moves, and I jumped up doing a tuck and roll in the air to snatch the purse from the air, when it went flying.

Just right before Milton was saying how he wanted to be a hero like Jack. And Jack said no he's no hero, as he wrapped an arm around me. Yes you are, I giggled agreeing, you're my brother, you've always been my hero. You're my sister its different. That's when we heard the scream of a women being robbed. I handed it to Jack who tossed it back to the women. Bless you both children. Jack winked over at her.

When we three walked in we all gathered around with Rudy to discuss why our little friend was still in the dojo, and so Milton explained the situation. Jack explained The Wasabi code, and we said we were gonna get him back to being a champion. We all put our hands in as a team using the Wasabi code to promise to do this together, not to give up, no matter what it took.

Back downstairs in the storage unit the two were at it again, trying to come to some kind of agreement. So they decided they were turning it into a man cave. Back above ground, Jack Milton and I were all working out running laps with the guy around the mall. Ok, ok stop showing off kiddo. Jack said as I laughed running backwards. Farrah look out, he warned as I almost ran into something he reached out to catch me. I told you. Yeah, yeah.

The next thing we knew Rudy was going to have a sumo match here in the dojo to get our sumo back on his feet and out of the dojo. Good thing he knew another sumo guy recently. He called him up. He had fun laughing at Jerry who was dressed in his own sumo wrestling suit. As our sumo wrestler pushed him to the ground and he was like a turtle who couldn't get up.

When he couldn't get up and I was giggling he rolled into me dragging me down. Hey?! I gasped out.... Jerry I whined. Jack reached down to pick me up. I fake dusted myself off. I kicked him away. But back in the man cave things were going from fine to worse in a snap just because they couldn't agree on a T.V. Program.

The next day people came to the dojo to watch the sumo match. As it turns out this was the same guy that was the only guy that ever defeated our guy, and that he wasn't gonna go out and fight him. Milton decided that since he was the one that made the mess he would fix it. And he went to go fight the sumo guy himself.

When Milton got hurt and couldn't get back up I decided to do my double hand spring and land on the guys back, like Milton and I were a tag team, except I wasn't naked. When he threw me off his back I jumped back up and moved to the side our guy pulled us out the ring and went in himself. He won. Farrah Milton, what did you think you were doing?! We had to do something, and he won, so all is far and love and war.

We all joined our guy to do his victory dance, and it was so fun, this time no one fell down. We celebrated, and we had so much fun. 

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