Fight, fight, fight

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When we come to the dojo, Eddie and Jerry and I are already in our dojo uniforms, and Jerry and Eddie are fighting each other for practice. Today's lasts topic? Wrestling. But I have to ask when is it never? Before someone can get seriously hurt. Jack jumps in, and I flip Jerry onto his back. That's not a karate move! No, but it is a pro wrestling move. Those moves aren't taught here, follow the rules, and if you don't I'll go all cobra on you.

As in the sleeping cobra. Want me to show you how it goes? I smirk. Whoa hold on, Jack calls pulling me away. Stop that. Kim and I agree that wrestling is fake and Jack agrees with us. Once that is settled the guys go back to sparing. Come on Jack, spare with me would ya? In a min if I'm going to then I need to change first.

When Jerry starts screeching, Rudy comes out and he's in a bad mood. He's having a really bad day. Farrah can you do something about this I can't deal with this I'm having a bad day. No problem. Sleep. I call using the sleeping cobra on them both. Say goodnight boys. Their bodies hit the floor. I dust off my hands. Not sure what you did but thanks. Man I hope I never get on her bad side.

While everyone else was at the dojo Milton was on a date with Julie, the same Julie from our R&J episode, I can't believe they're still together and that people are letting them be together. When Julie talks about going to the next level with Milton he thinks she means she wants to kiss him, and he gets all nervous about having to get to that part.

Rudy walks in as they rush out and Rudy is still in a bad mood and when this really tall buff guy comes and cuts in front of him out of anger Rudy flips him onto his back, this guy is a pro wrestler, so no wonder he was so big, but you know what they say the bigger they are the harder they fall.

The next day at school, when Milton tells Jerry about his problem I guess the best person to go to about girl advice is the kind of guy that probably if able to would take home a new girl to bed with him every night, so the player type liker Jerry. Eddie and Jerry try to give him advice about this kissing thing, but its hard to get advice from either one of them when Jerry's a player and Eddie's only ever kissed a dummy in the dojo.

What happened at Phil's with Rudy was online and Jack and I ran around the corner to show our friends what had happened. This was not good. Rudy wasn't proud of how he acted, or what came over him but he had been good publicity for Phil.

After school that day we all go to Phil's to get Rudy's side of the story. But when everyone else walked away Jack got the whole scoop and it sounded like Jack needed some advice by his tone of voice. I didn't like what I was hearing. And now he had a pro wrestler name and Phil has set him up a fight which was gonna make things a lot worse.

Rudy has always taught us that we never use martial arts unless we have to, and now he "has" to thanks Phil. Rudy tries to put a stop to it, but then money is mentioned and everyone except me is on board with this. I don't like the idea of people fighting, which is ironic considering Jack and I are both black belts. But that's for training for self defense, something I wish I had when my mother was abusing me.

And with Milton and Julie Milton tries to set himself up for a kiss, but a bad memory moves in and he runs away. Things are going downhill everywhere. Outside of the dojo people were paying Rudy to flip them, and he was loving the spot light. And I sat out there watching head in my hands, knowing nothing good was gonna come out of this.

I knew I had to do something and I went off to find a disguise and turn myself into a "pro wrestler" like Rudy had. So that I could teach myself how to take him down a peg, or two, or this was gonna end bad not that any of this could be a good thing. Kim came around and told Rudy Jack had to miss class today because he was in detention.

Why? Because some kids were making fun of his sister, and bullying her and he flipped them and got into a fight with them cause Farrah didn't want to get into trouble, Jack didn't either but you know he'll do anything for his sister and he went all Rudy on them and flipped the kid just like you did. Sounds like Rudy is a bad influence.

In Rudy's office Rudy was upset that he used violence instead of going to a teacher but proud of him for protecting me from getting hurt, and he hasn't even seen me since I'd left. But he told him that he reminded him that violence was never ok. And admitted he had been a bad influence.

When Jack walks away and Eddie and Jerry ask how his situation was different than Rudy's he has a hard time coming up with a difference. Now that Rudy understands he was being a hypocrite he was ashamed of himself, and owed Jack an apology. The next day at school Milton was telling Kim and I about his kissing mishap.

When Milton and Julie are having problems and he wants to break up with her, Kim says because she got them together she wasn't letting him break up with her over some kiss, and that she could help him. I told her to keep me out of it. At the wrestling ring, Rudy calls Jack in to apologize, as they watch the other wrestlers including me now. I'm one of the best in just the last 12 or so hours.

If I wanted to beat Rudy at his not own game, and ironically teach him a lesson, I was joining up. I didn't have a catchy name I didn't need one I was doing this for one purpose and one purpose only. They were down here so that Rudy could make things right with the other pro wrestler. He decided that since this pro wrestling thing is "fake" anyways. that he admitted he was supposed to win but now he wanted this real wrestler guy to win.

But as our little secret, he wouldn't be fighting him, he'd be fighting me, I'd got into contact with the guy and told him my plan I had to prove myself worthy and once I did we were in business for night and one night only. At the dojo Kim was trying to help Milton with his kissing practice, and it wasn't going very well.

Too bad in the heat of the moment, Julie was standing there and right when things were going down Kim pulled him in and kissed him. This was so bad. Julie was so disappointed and jealous. But once that was over, Kim and Milton explained everything. But turns out by next level she didn't mean in their relationship she meant the next level of the museum, where their last date had taken place, when she said she wanted to take things to the next level.

Turns out nerd love is both boring and weird, and not at all like anyone expect it to be. They decided to exit and go on a smoothie date. That same evening at the wrestling ring, the wrestling was happening. And soon it was almost Rudy's turn. When it becomes Rudy's turn, and they find out he'll be fighting the Wasabi Warrior, I win just as planned.

I hope you learned your lesson Rudy I whisper in his ear. I smirk and put my finger to my lips like keep this our lil secret. I leap out of the ring and disappear into real clothing and go back to the dojo and wait for everyone to appear. When everyone returns to the dojo I'm in regular clothes, listening to music on my iPod, and smirking slyly.

Oh hey guys how was the match? Farrah you're here? Yep. I say popping the "p" sorry I missed the match. I smirk. But I heard the new guy beat Rudy. New guy I think it was a girl she had really long hair after all. I guess you'll never know since this was her one fight and one fight only and whatever happens in fight club you don't talk about it.

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