She will be ok you can sleep peacefully

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It was another day at school (outfit 21)Jack and I hadn't gotten any sleep in two days, he'd insisted I'd get sleep, I insisted I was staying up with him until he got the game he wanted, and now within the last two days he had it, and now we needed some serious sleep. He told our friends all about it. She didn't get any sleep for the past two days again? Our friends asked concerned. Naw, she had some sugar she's all good.

Kim walked passed us to her locker while Jerry told Eddie that there was a girl that liked him, and that he found out by accidently walking into the girls bathroom and overheard them. And Jerry thought Kim's necklace was ugly and creepy and asked if he could have it. No, Jerry, besides its not ugly, I think its really cool actually. I told him, picking the necklace up in my hands to take a closer look at it.

She told us her aunt gave it to her as a gift from the 70s and that its called the dragon's eye and that supposedly it has magical powers or something. I'd be all over that. And then the bell rang, and Eddie went off to gym class. To impress the girl Jerry said liked him. And at the dojo after school Eddie said he'd gotten to first base with this girl and he meant literally, she hit him over the head with first base when she tried to ask him out, and why did girls like bad boys so much.

IDK, ask my sister. Very funny Jack. I'm too young for dating. And then Rudy came out to show us his mustache, but it was too small to be called a full mans mustache, while the rest of the gang teased him about it, I kept my mouth shut. Jack, had opened his locker to get something out of it and fallen asleep. I'd sat down on the bench and let my head drop down also resting my eyelids. Kim called out to Jack, and he banged his head on the locker.

He'd been up all night playing his new game, and it was so loud that he'd kept me up too, so I'd decided to go down and play with him. And when he tried to spare with Milton, he got flipped onto his back. Rudy said he should go into his office and lay down to take nap, he had claimed he'd been fine, and that if he fell asleep in broad daylight, no one would take care of me. Farr's wake up, he said tapping at me. I'm fine Jack, don't worry about me, just give me some sugar and I'll be all good, you know me, I'm all good.

We could watch her Jack, if we'd known what was going on. I'm fine Rudy really, tell him Eddie, he said leaning against Jerry, Jerry corrected him. Rudy made him go inside the office and take a nap, and that I'd be fine. But Jack said no way if he was going into the office, he was taking me with him. But I'd already fallen asleep again. I'll watch her Jack, Kim reassured him. Its too dangerous to let you spare, Rudy told him, he didn't want anything bad to happen to either of us.

Come on Jack, she's fine, what's the worse that could happen? Never ask me that, Jack told the gang. There are so many things that could happen. Ok, ok we understand, but Jack I promise you nothing bad is gonna happen to her, we all know karate, we can protect her, with or without the knowledge of what's going on. Besides, I've always wanted a little sister to take care of, she's the whole dojo's little sister, we'll take care of her, go lie down. Are you sure Kim? Cause I'll still take her with me, I'll pick her up and.... He tried to pick me up, but he was totally off balance.

Kim took me from him, and laid me down again, onto the soft floor. It's ok Jack, we've got her. Jack defeated went to the office leaving me in the hands of the unknown. He'd walked in and saw his game as a movie and decided he was gonna try to watch it. But as he got comfortable on the couch, and popped the movie in, his eye lids began to get heavy as he went off into a deep sleep.

When he woke up, Eddie was yelling at him and he was back in the 70s. Jack was so confused and when Eddie opened the door, the dojo wasn't a dojo anymore it was more like an office space. That he was going to be working with the best Kung Fu cop that his job had to offer him and that he was his new rookie, to go get his partner and take her with him, that we both were helping on this case. My who what now? Your partner, you know agent KindnessSpreader .

Rest well? Yeah, I-I think so. Farrah? Yep, well sorta after all, you're the only that calls me that. Ready for us to solve another case? Uh, yeah ok. Rudy was Bobbie Wasabi, and everything was the 70s. When he was told we were his new partners on this case Rudy told us he wasn't a baby sitter and then they had a 70s dance, dance off type whatever. Before Eddie got in between them and his was the chief here in this world, the boss if you will of the whatever form of cops/police whatever he had running there, and that we were all gonna have to work together.

Kim walked into the dojo as a 70s disco girl, named Snowflake saying she'd been robed. Jack sprayed his breath with kiss spray and they started flirting with each other. Someone stole her dragon eye necklace according to this version of Kim, and wanted it back, and we were on the case to help her. But Eddie didn't want us to go on a wild goose chase and said instead he wanted us to go chase after a wild goose that just broke out of the zoo.

He made sure that if we took the case we'd all be fired. And then he left to go enjoy his lunch again. What are we gonna do Jack? I asked him, well take the case of course Farrah, like any hero would. We're not heroes silly we're just cops, I teased. Are you chewing gum? Yep. Its the new fad. You don't chew gum, since when do you chew gum?! You don't know my life. Besides big brother, its not really gum silly, just candy that looks like I'm chewing gum, I teased playfully hitting his chest, chewing away.

Ok, whatever Jack said if we were fighting crime he needed crime fighting music and for once they agreed. And they agreed to take Kim's robbery case no matter what Eddie in this world said about firing them. And we all danced and grooved right out the door to the restaurant across the way. Let's grab a bite to eat real lickity split gang. Where we ran into Jerry there, he was a "Snitch" here he knew about everything and everybody, if you needed gossip or info on something this Jerry was the person to ask.

They tried to play good cop bad cop on this Jerry, and when they both failed, I pushed them aside, flipped my hair back, and placed my hand on the side of the door, not letting him get away. Listen here La Boca the "snitch" I know you know what we need to know, you know, and I would be mighty grateful if you told us what we hand to know, you know. Groovy girl, damn you groovy baby. Hey, dog that's my little sister you're talking to. Easy Jack, easy, I'll handle the likes of him.

Ok, I'll tell you what I know. That's how it done darlings. Turns out here, the school was hot new dance club where we'd be able to find this Kim's necklace. We had to take Boca with us to get there, and we weren't letting him out of our sight. And Jack wasn't letting me out of his or Jerry either. If we had a dog, we'd be a 70s version of Scooby Doo. So, Boca would have to do. And we were here to see, a guy named Milty Moondust which was Milton here. That everyone was trying to see. He was a fad here, and everyone loved him here.

But to our dismay the necklace was nowhere to be seen. And then Milton disappeared at the first listen of the name of the dragon eye, and limped away on his tall groovy shoes. And we chased after him, as best we could. Jack and I took a back way and threw him to the ground asking him what he was hiding, not that he could he was after all wearing spandex. We got Milton to take us to where he knew the guy with the necklace would be chillin.

Turns out this Eddie had Kim's necklace and he was the evil villain, and he took it because he was a bad boy. That the necklace really did have powers it had given Eddie the power to gain all he ever wanted, and he wasn't giving it back anytime soon. While Kim, Jerry, and Milton hid away out of danger, Jack still insisted I don't fight, when the ninjas came out of nowhere again, but when they two Rudy and Jack began to try and fight them off, I pulled out a funky looking grenade, and made sure everyone got down and covered their ears and hid away, while I bit the tab off and made it explode knocking out all the ninjas.

Eddie tried to toss the necklace away but it caught an edge over the lava lamp gunk stuff. That if Eddie couldn't have it nobody could. I jumped up across the beam, to get it. I reached for the necklace, Jack tried to stop me, but I didn't listen. The pipe broke, and I fell into the lava. Jack mumbling on about how he should've stopped me, he should've stopped me. And then he was beginning to wake up. Jack, Jack I called shaking him. As I brushed back his hair from his face. Farrah, he mumbled in his sleep. I'm sorry, I couldn't save you, I failed.

Jack, please, please wake up? Guys get in here! I cried. It hurt me that my brother was hurting. Even if he was just having a bad dream. I hated people worrying about me. The gang rushed in. Rudy tried this time. Kim, wrapped an arm around me pulling me close as I hugged her. Jack wake up, Rudy called to him. This time Jack did wake up, he'd said he'd had the craziest dream. More like a nightmare if you ask me I told him.

That we were all there and all except Kim and I had ugly hair. That we actually had really pretty hair, and Kim was happy to hear that from him, that her mood ring turned red, just like in the dream when they were flirting with each other. He asked her where her necklace was, she said it was gone and that her aunt gave her the necklace and mood ring together and her aunt was gonna freak out.

Jack do you feel better now that the two of you got some sleep? Rudy asked him. Yeah, except the end when Farrah fell into a bucket of lava, and died and I-I failed her. But Kim you took care of her right just like you promised you would and nothing bad happened to her right? Yes, Jack I promise you I won't let anything bad happen to your sister, she's like a sister to me.

Jack apologized for not listening to Rudy, and didn't mean to disrespect him, that he was just tired. Rudy told him it was ok. Eddie came back with Kim's necklace that maybe it did have magic powers and since the girl that Jerry said that liked him asked him out this time, and when Jack denied it, the necklace winked at him and he freaked out and took my hand panicking as he said he was gonna go home and get more sleep. And everyone went home. Maybe someday they'd all know the truth.

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