Time to shake things up

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It was during lunch at school (outfit 13)  and we were all gathered around, Jerry came over to the table with a flyer yelling about something about us being rich. While Milton tried to turn him down, and correct him, I took the paper out of his hands. Can I see that, oh thanks?! I said without waiting for a response. He said we were in for the chance of a life time. He told us he signed us up for the battle of the dance crew at the mall, and that the winning time gets $1,000.

Jerry said it wasn't about the money that he loved to dance all, and this was his chance. Eddie told him how great that sounded but how we weren't a dance crew. That was kind of a problem. And I know that I personally can't dance to save my life, but I know Jack would disagree.

But Jerry said he had the skills and could teach us the moves and that we had ourselves a deal. As we all bowed into the Wasabi code. And after school, Jack Jerry, and I went to go get an after school "snack" Is it just me or are these falafels more greasy than usual? Jack asked. Yeah that's why I don't eat things like that. Do you even eat at all? Look at you you're skin and bones! My brother said concerned about my well being like usual.

And then this guy "Smooth" walked in. And no it wasn't cause of his dance moves. It was his way with the ladies, he was the best dancer at our school. According to Jerry. Sounded to me like we had some competition, he as his crew Step Brotherz, yes they spell it with a Z at the end, Smooth said they win every year. He said hi to Jerry silently what up me with a wink, and ignored Jack. As he introduced himself.

I rolled my eyes, as Jack pulled me close. After Arthur, he wasn't letting any fake posers near me again, and Smooth wasn't anywhere near fake just as sooth as his name. But as he was on his way out, Jack had to make a comeback to him, as Smooth insisted that we were all gonna make nothing but fools out of ourselves, and I'd hate to say it, but maybe he was right.

Then he showed us some moves and made his exit, and when Jerry tried, he ripped something. Back at the Dojo with Rudy.... And his friend Marge, she had an inflatable something or other with her, and they started coming up with the idea that they could try to sell that they called a "pocket ninja" and later we all showed up changed (outfit 14)and got ready for Jerry to teach us some moves.

But not 2 secs later, I was the only one doing all the moves and throwing in some of my own. Jerry and everyone was impressed by me, but he was disappointed in the rest of us, cause we were so bad at dancing. Which is funny, because, Jack and I dance perfectly fine at home, and Kim does cheer, and Eddie was taking dance lessons, and Milton IDK what he had, but at least right now the only good news we had was me.

Farrah you're an amazing dancer, how'd you learn to move like that? Easy when you're always running around trying to escape. Dance is an alternative, but trust me I'm not that good. That's like saying, that your brother sucks at karate, which he doesn't. Thank you Jerry, I think you're good at karate too. Yeah girl, don't be humble. Get your freak on. Ok, but only if you never say that again Jerry.

Come on you guys this dance thing is really important to me, can you all at least try?! Jerry we're trying we are, how about we take a break? Ok, but as you leave remember, that dance is something you feel, when I dance, I clear my mind, I'm not thinking about anything else, nothing at all my mind goes completely blank. When everyone left, Jerry put on some music, as we both just let loose.

Smooth walked in and saw us. What's guys? He asked us. I ran over to pause the music. I'll be right back, I said patting his shoulder. Grabbing my water bottle backhand springing out of the dojo. Smooth watching me the entire time. Girl's got some sweet moves. Smooth what are you doing here? Those were some pretty sick moves you guys were just putting down. What do you call it? The Jerry. I've been working on it for a long time now.

So, that girl Farrah, Jack's little sister.... Yeah? She got a BF? She's too young for you boy, and that's my best friend's little sister there, she's off limits ok? Does she have a team at least? Yeah she's with us, we need her. No you don't they've got you, but maybe I can offer a trade.... I'm listening....

At school Marge and Rudy went to go pitch their pocket ninja idea. And soon they were selling this thing like hot cakes. Jerry and Smooth were gone when I got back. Jerry, Smooth? I walked around trying to find them, and when I saw them I hid around a corner to listen to what they had to say. And when Smooth said he wanted him on his crew, I *gasped* in shock, hoping Jerry wasn't really thinking about leaving us. But I was wrong.

And then the gang all showed up looking for him. Smooth said there'd been a change of plans, and no one liked the sound of it, we confronted him and asked if it was true. Yeah it's true, I heard everything they just said. I was hoping it wasn't. Some friend you are, you were eavesdropping. Yo, in case you didn't notice, Smooth asked for me too, but I'm not joining him.

Yeah, well good luck, because smooth and his crew are my only real chance at winning this thing. You wanna this so badly that you're losing your real friends. And when they left, the very next day, the guys showed up at Smooth's dance studio place, as they went over the routine, and showed each other some moves. And then his crew came in and Smooth and Jerry showed them the move they'd been working on for the past 2 hours.

But when they were done, things started to crumble around Jerry's world. And told him that he was using Jerry's move to win the contest, and was gonna end it with my double back hand spring he'd seen me do. He told him he can't do that, and he can't use my move either, but Smooth just does what he wants. And Smooth walked out on him, saying he didn't need him anymore and Jerry realized he'd gotten used.

And when Jerry returned back to the restaurant, at the same time that he was feeling sorry for himself we (outfit 15)all came in. When we questioned him, he said they weren't his friends and that Smooth stole his dance move and was gonna steal mine too, to put at the end of the move he toke from Jerry. Can Smooth even do a double back hand spring? I'm sure he can. But can he stick it like I can?

Check it. I did it, but instead of going anywhere I turned it more into a tuck and roll kind of spring. Sticking the landing. Jerry you got us all excited about this dance thing and then you bailed on us, now at least Farrah didn't because she's been helping us learn some stuff, we'll never be as good as the two of you or Smooth and his crew but at least we still had each other. We're a team.

And then he apologized and told us he shouldn't had walked out on us, and that oh BTW he did do something nice for me, when Smooth came the first time, he wanted to know if I had BF and all but tried to ask me out, without me there, and that he told Smooth that I was too young for him and that I was off limits, that, he asked for me originally, but then maybe he'd trade me for Jerry, that he wanted me not Jerry, that he took my place.

And soon we all agreed to let Jerry be back on the dance crew, we still weren't any good, but we were better than how we were before. Thanks for sticking up for me Jerry, since I wasn't there to do it myself. If I had been I would've given him an Arthur move, and dumped smoothie all over Smooth. I'm glad you've got my back Jerry.

Back with Marge and Rudy they were doing a commercial for their pocket ninja, but Rudy didn't think they were gonna be going live in front of millions of people, and got really nervous. And he totally messed everything up. And back with us the next day we were all in matching uniforms ready to take on Smooth and his crew. And since the others couldn't dance we'd created a routine made out of karate, and I still got to do my rockin awesome moves, that everyone in the audience flipped over as I did my flip(s).

We might not had won the contest, but we won each other and Jerry and I even won best original move. And when Smooth tried to do my move, he couldn't land it and fell off the stage. Who's the smooth one now Smooth? Smooth stormed out, and was totally embarrassed. We all danced like the crazy freaks we were. And got our freak on. It's not about whether you win or lose it's how you play the game, and as long as you stand by your team, you'll always win even when you lose.  

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