Bhon Toiseach

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Featured Gaelic and Pronunciations:

Bhon Toiseach (vohn toh-shehk) - From the Beginning

Tapadh leibh (tapah leev) - thank you (formal)


8 August, 2147

Glasgow, Scotland


"Bà bà mo leanabh beag,

Bidh thu mòr, ged tha thu beag.

Bà bà mo leanabh beag,

Chan urrainn mi gad thàladh..."

Maevis was constantly crying, almost, and the constant crying for six weeks was making it impossible to sleep in the house. I had tried feeding her, but she began to have trouble latching to my breast at the five week mark, so I had started pumping for her, but then that just became painful and miserable. "Is she still crying?" Tom asked me, pulling his earbuds out of his ears and scrunching up his face at the noise.

"I'm surprised ye cannae hear it through those things," I said back to him, glancing down at my left hand, where the golden wedding band was visible. We had had a small wedding ceremony about four weeks after Maevis had been born, which prompted another brief argument when Tom realised I wouldn't be changing my name to Randall, but he accepted defeat.

"Well, they are noise-cancelling," Tom answered me rather insensitively as he went into the kitchen. "Are you all packed for our trip to my parents'?"

"I've been tendin' te a colicky bairn, there's been no time," I replied as I cradled Maevis in my arms.

"That's all right. Why don't I watch her for a bit while you do that? And maybe take a shower, too," Tom told me, and I scoffed.

"Good luck wi' that," I said back to him. "Can ye do me a favour and check that the formula in the bottle isnae too hot?"

"Formula?" asked Tom, turning his attention to the bottle warming in the pot of water on the stove. "I thought you were exclusively breastfeeding."

"She doesnae seem te want te so I'll be makin' the switch te formula. It'll be easier both on her and on me as well, the pumps are too harsh on my breasts," I answered him.

"But isn't breastfeeding better? I mean, it's more natural, and certainly cheaper. Maybe you're just not pumping correctly," said Tom, still checking the temperature of the milk and bringing it over to me.

"I followed the instructions te the 'T' and it's just no' workin' fer me," I said. "Formula is fine, if anythin', it's enriched. And I'm findin' it hard te get proper nutrition anyway so this'll guarantee she gets everrathing and I dinnae have te break my back tryin' te enrich me own milk."

"My mother says that breast is best-"

"Tom, I dinnae care what yer mother has te say," I told him firmly, interrupting him. "All right? If ye want her exclusively breastfed, then grow some fucking tits and feed her yerself because ye dinnae understand the toll that it's takin' on me. Breast isnae best, fed is best." Tom let out a huff and forcibly put the bottle down on the table next to me, stalking back into the kitchen. "Thanks, ye put it a good foot away from me hand." He ignored me as I picked up the bottle and gave it to Maevis, who latched onto the bottle's nipple and immediately silenced, making sweet little gurgling noises as she suckled.

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