Uncharted Shoals

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10 March, 1767

Saint-Domingue, The Indies


With a small basket in hand, Caoimhe picked wild garlic from the grassy hill on the isle of Saint-Domingue, an island claimed by Spain and still under its control. With her basket nearly full, she took a few further steps up to the top of the hill, finding a great supply of wild garlic down on the other side. Lifting her skirts, she made to take a few steps down, but found herself suddenly stopped by Captain Leonard. "Miss Fowlis," he said, stopping her in her tracks.

"Oh, good day te ye, Captain Leonard," Caoimhe said to him, pushing her tricorn hat up so she could see him better. "I suppose the goats are suppin' well?"

"Indeed," said Captain Leonard, evidently suspicious of her.

"Is everrathin' well, Captain?" Caoimhe asked him, getting a little nervous, but masking it well.

"I had thought that the men would find their proximity to a brothel too appealing to resist. I had not thought that you would disobey my orders to not wander," Captain Leonard told her.

"Wander? Oh, no, I'm no' wanderin', I'm only replenishin' our herb supply," Caoimhe told him, showing him her basket. "Wild garlic. It's verra good fer sickness."

"Hm. In the direction of port?" Captain Leonard asked her.

"Port?" Caoimhe asked, looking up and seeing off in the distance a settlement. "Oh... Truthfully, I didnae see it, Captain. My focus was on the garlic."

"Where is your aunt?" Captain Leonard asked her.

"My aunt?" Caoimhe asked, looking around the area. "Oh, I thought she was here... She may still be on the ship tendin' te the ill."

"She has not been seen, and you are well aware her brightly-coloured hair is difficult to miss," said Captain Leonard to her. "I should like to see you in my quarters, Miss Fowlis."

"Of course, Captain," Caoimhe told him.

"I advise you to return to the ship," Captain Leonard replied suspiciously, and Caoimhe nodded.

"Yes, sir," she said, bowing her head to him, and then she picked up her skirts and made her way up to the ship again. First, Caoimhe brought the freshly picked herbs to her quarters, replenishing empty jars, before she went to where Captain Leonard had been staying, being admitted by the guard he had placed there. After a while, the door opened and Captain Leonard stepped in, closing the door behind him.

"The ship has been searched, and Mrs. Malcolm is nowhere to be found," said Captain Leonard rather severely, and Caoimhe raised an eyebrow.

"Mrs. Malcolm?" Caoimhe asked.

"Ah, you have confirmed my suspicions. 'Malcolm' is neither the name of your aunt, nor her husband," Captain Leonard told her. "What is her true name?"

"I... I'm confused on where this all comin' from. What do ye mean my aunt is nowhere te be found?" Caoimhe asked, feigning a concerned tone and expression. "She must be on the ship."

"When did you last see your aunt, Miss Fowlis? If that is even your name," Captain Leonard said as he sat down across from Caoimhe.

"My name is as ye've heard it. Caoimhe Caitriona Erin Fowlis, if ye must ken," Caoimhe told him. "Ever heard of the Laird of Cìosamul? He's my father."

"So I see," said Captain Leonard, the realisation dawning on his face. "I have heard that the Laird of Cìosamul was formerly known as the Black Fowlis, and his sister was the notorious Red Witch." At this, Caoimhe realised that she had just given away her aunt's identity, and she steeled her face.

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