Chapter Two: The Boy

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(Your POV)

I walk over to my locker, where I put my history books back inside. All that time in class I couldn't help smiling, thinking about Darwin. There's just this... charm about him that makes him so cute, so optimistic. I hear Gumball, his blue cat brother, babbling on about something from across the hall. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Darwin, looking at me. I chuckled as I grabbed my drawing notebook and started to draw Darwin in a fishbowl, chibi style. I added a miniature heart on the side of the fishbowl.
God, I love that kid.
I saw Gumball and Darwin walk off on the other side of the hallway. Everyone was headed to the library. I decided to wait and just admire my drawing.
"I still can't tell him. Not now. It's too early, so I might just wait," I whispered to myself as I wrote it in my book.
I noticed that I was almost late, and headed straight to the library.
At least one good thing will come out of this: I'll see Darwin.
I want to confess my love.
I just can't.

Authors Note: End of chapter 2! Wow, getting pretty good in my opinion. Hope it's still okay!

(DISCONTINUED)Waves of Love(Darwin x Female Reader [TAWOG])Where stories live. Discover now