Chapter Four: Should I Ask?

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(Darwin POV)
Back at home, I decided to think about what happened today. Tomorrow is Friday, so I have to do something before the weekend comes. Maybe I'll gather the courage to actually ask [Name] out...

Gumball is typing away on the computer, posting on ElmorePlus.
"So..." Gumball breaks the silence. "What happened back there?"
"What do you mean?" I reply.
"Oh, you know, how you confessed something for a certain someone outloud in the library."
Gumball raised an eyebrow. " Dude, I was in the library when you said it. I heard you."
"Ugh...fine. I'm in love, okay?!" I said.
"Here we go, how cute was she?" Gumball asked, excited.

"If you combined all the most good-looking people in the entire world and made them one person, that's what [Name] looks like."
Gumball is looking at me sweetly.
"What are you doing?"
He starts to hug me.
"Aw, my best bro is in love, I can't believe it!" Gumball said, as he kept hugging me. "Are you gonna ask her out?"
"I...honestly don't know," I replied. "Should I?"
"Of course, dude!" He said, encouragingly."If you really do love her, and would do anything to protect her, then go for it!"
"Thanks, man," I said. " I really have been thinking about it a lot and I finally know what I'm gonna do tomorrow. Hey, you know your date with Penny tomorrow night?"
"Yea," Gumball said." Why?"
"Do you have two tickets reserved besides yours and Penny's?"
Gumball nodded and climbed into his bed. I climbed into my fish bowl, said "Good night", and started to dream about tomorrow.

(Your POV)
Thinking about what Darwin said today in the library really made a change in my life. Maybe I can ask him out tomorrow...
Should I really ask him out? I thought to myself.
If I really do love him and I would never let any one hurt him, then it's worth a shot...
Besides, I can't help but watch that fish walk around in school, with black, beautiful eyes, bright orange scales, and malachite green shoes, and have the thought of not being able to ask him out on my conscience.
"I'm asking him out tomorrow," I declared to myself.
"For good."

Authors Note: End of Chapter Four, Hope you all still enjoy and maybe leave some comments? -Alex

(DISCONTINUED)Waves of Love(Darwin x Female Reader [TAWOG])Where stories live. Discover now