Chapter Three: A Confession

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(Darwin's POV)
I walked in the library with Gumball. There really wasn't that much to do but go on the computer, and even then both of us would probably be on ElmorePlus. But today, I've decided to speak with [name].
"Gumball?" I asked my brother. "Yea, what's up?" he replied. "Nothing, nevermind," I said to him as I saw [name] walk through the library doors.
"OK, then," Gumball said. " I'll catch up with you, I'm gonna go hang out with Penny. Later, bud!"
"Later!" I replied as he walked away from me and toward Penny, who was reading a book on the opposite side of the room.
I took a deep breath before I went over to [name] who was already sitting down and writing something down in her notebook from afar.
"You can do this, Darwin, you can do this. Just act normal," I said to myself and took another inhale before walking toward her.

(Your POV)

"Scales, warmer than the sun setting over a marvelous horizon. Eyes, darker than the midnight skies with shimmering stars lost in space. Shoes, greener than emeralds found in the most beautiful of crystals."

That's what I wrote in my notebook.
I already sat down and wrote those descriptive words down when I saw Darwin with his brother just a few feet away from me. Gumball walked away from Darwin, presumably because he had his girlfriend, Penny, to talk to and make funny jokes with.

I just stared at my notebook until, surprisingly, Darwin walked up to me. He was just so cute I started to blush a little.
"H-hey [name]..." Darwin said as he blushed a little bit, too. "Uh, can I talk to you for a moment?" I can tell the way he said it, he was definitely nervous about something.
"Yes?" I asked him, still blushing. "What is it?"
"I-uh, I think-, I-I think..." Darwin stammered.
All of a sudden I began to have crazy thoughts rushing through my brain. Is he gonna ask me out?! Is he gonna
kiss me?! Why am I thinking these things ANYWAY?!

(Darwin POV)
I'm at a total loss for words. I don't even know what to say to her! She's just so pretty and everything about her turns my fish brain into mush.
"Darwin, are you OK?" [Name] asked. "Darwin?"

"I THINK YOU LOOK REALLY CUTE!!" I accidentally yelled.

Everyone turned around, facing me and [Name]. I blushed so much, my whole body was red. Gumball turned his head to me and had a shocked expression on his face. He probably didn't even expect this, although he kind of knew I liked her. But he didn't know that I LIKE LIKED her.

(Your POV)

Everyone was facing me and Darwin. That one sentence got me as red as a tomato. I was flabbergasted, I didn't even know he like liked me. I did know that he liked me as a friend, but I didn't know he liked me even more than that.

"Uh, Darwin?" I whispered.

"What is it?" he responded, still red in the face.

"You look nice today, too."

Authors Note: End of Chapter 3! Hope you all are enjoying the story! -Alex

(DISCONTINUED)Waves of Love(Darwin x Female Reader [TAWOG])Where stories live. Discover now