Dancing Queen

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Lolly-Hellooo, sorry for the long wait to get this chapter rewritten but here it is! This https://youtu.be/uB6YO8qlmNE will be needed if the clip at the top of the chapter doesn't play for you. Enjoy!

Black and Blue Diamond had arrived at Homeworld just in time for the ball, obviously Pink didn't know this as she had to be the first gem there to welcome everyone so she began to panic slightly. She sat in her small throne nervously hoping for the best as she played with the hem of her skirt, every gem was in place and it was time for the other Diamonds to make an appearance.

Black had been told to wait down the hall by Blue so that neither Yellow or White could see her new appearance. She didn't understand why the Diamond wanted to surprise the others, it's not like she has been gone for centuries but she didn't mind, if it made them all happy then she would do it. 'Just a few more minutes' she noted in her head. Blue and Yellow had already been announced so that meant White was up next. Her assistant was rather emotionless and her voice was very monotone, but she supposed that was due to White using her abilities on her.
"Are you ready my Diamond?" Black's Pearl asked.
"Yes, you go ahead, you know what to say correct?"
She nodded and swiftly made her way around the corner with Black closely behind, the Pearl past the dark curtain and folder her arms to form the Diamond salute before speaking.
"Everyone prepare yourselves for the extravagance of the merciless yet empathetic..."
The Diamond prepared to extend her wings out to their full size by curling them around her body and quickly brushed out any creases and folds in her blazer. Meanwhile, on the other side of the fabric, Pink was on the edge of her seat readying herself to greet her armoured elder.
"...Black Diamond!"
The curtains drew back and Pink's eyes widened. The dark feathered limbs opened, stretching out to their full size to reveal Black's new appearance. Blue clasped her hands together and turned to look up to White who's expression wavered a little as she struggled to keep it neutral but Blue could tell she was both surprised and impressed. Pink let out a quiet squeal of excitement as she watched Black make her way over to them, as she passed she smiled down at the little Diamond and proceeded to take her place next to White while tucking her mist like wings in.

Pink stood on her seat as the gems began to dance and spun around to face Black,"You have a suit?!"
"Yes, this is what first emerged with"
Yellow turned her head and looked over the outfit,"I was under the impression that you emerged with armour?"
"I thought the same,"Blue added,"But then she phased into that"
Pink jumped onto the backrest of her seat,"Who cares what you looked like when you emerged, this is awesome!"
"I'm glad its to your liking little one, now sit back down otherwise your going to distract the gems that are dancing"
Pink exhaled loudly and slumped back into a sitting position with her arms crossed.

White ran her eyes over the suit, she certainly didn't think she'd see Black wearing this outfit again. It was exactly as she remembered it to be all those eons ago, the same black trousers and low buttoned up blazer with the glossy knee high boots. She thought it was perfect for Black, she thought that Black was perfect. White looked up to the darker gems face and smiled faintly, she had no mask on, which was a nice surprise that she definitely needed, especially after the amount of stress she had been under after Black had left unexpectedly. For some reason, she had become concerned for the other Diamond while she had been away, she didn't understand why, Black was more than capable of protecting herself, but she couldn't shake off the strange feeling. It was only until a few moments ago, when she had actually seem Black in person, that she finally felt relaxed and all the worry had left her. White didn't care about the little disagreement they had anymore, she was just relieved to see that the Diamond had returned uninjured.
"I take it that you like the suit then?" Black questioned, eyes still forward. She had caught onto the others staring and immediately thought it was due to her change in clothing.
White looked over the suit once again,"You know that I've always taken a liking to this outfit, but it does compliment your features and it's delightful to see your face"
Black diverted her attention towards White and raised a brow,"Really now?" She rested her elbow on the arm of her chair and set her head on the back of her hand,"Do you remember the last time I took my mask off?"
"One thousand two hundred and fifteen years and...thirty one days ago I believe" Black didn't expect for White to now it down to the day, even she didn't, but she hadn't finished yet,"You decide it was a brilliant idea to hunt down the creature that had been causing one of my colonies to fail, which led you into it's labyrinth like tunnels underground. When you finally came across it, you soon found out it was much larger than we had expected, but obviously you didn't have a care in the world and attacked it, and in doing so, the whole system of tunnels caved in causing thousands of tonnes of earth to collapse onto you. You were able to hold most of it up with your abilities and somehow clawed your way up to the surface, and when you did finally appear, your mask had a large crack down one side so you removed it"
White smiled proudly at her impeccable memory as she recalled the event. She knew that Black was on the planet with her but she didn't know that she had left to go and execute the creature. It was only when her Pearl came rushing into her, claiming that her Diamond was going to get herself shattered, that she only found out.
"You were furious with me,"Black chuckled,"If I remember correctly, you called me 'an imprudent and foolhardy Diamond', you then proceeded to give me a lecture on how I shouldn't be so reckless"
"I would say I was more concerned than angry,"White corrected,"It was extremely dangerous and you could have gotten yourself hurt"
Black smiled smugly at the other Diamond and lifted her head up from resting on her hand. She placed the palm of her hand on her gem and gasped sarcastically, "You, the alluring White Diamond, were concerned about me?"
"Oh don't be so silly Black, you know I hate to see you get hurt," The darker Diamond returned to her original position before White continued,"Stars knows what I'd do if you- wait, alluring? Did you just say I'm alluring?"
"Well it's true isn't-"

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