Shelter from the storm

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Las Vegas, 1996

At home I asked Evan who the boy was, apparently he was a year above me but moved up because he was some kind of kid genius or in Evans words 'god nerd'

It's been 5 years since seeing Spencer Reid straight up naked tied to the post. I've seen him in high school but he's a senior so would never talk to me. My school friends think I like him. I doubt it, sure he is really smart and pretty and has beautiful hair but I hardly know him!

In a total not creepy way Spencer just came up in the dinner table conversation so naturally, I found out random facts about him...okay,mabey that's is creepy.

Evan and I are surpassingly close now, we are actually friends now. My dad has a fiancé now, her name is Lauren I think. I've seen photos of her, she's really pretty. She doesn't know me though, I think my dad doesn't want to tell her about my mum and Evan and I. Apparently she really likes Declan though. Which is good that he's getting a real mother figure that everyone should have.

I starred at the kitchen table on my own where I play cards with my brother on nights when our parents aren't home, when I heard cars screech outside my house followed by rushed footsteps.

"FBI open up!" Disturbed my nostalgic thoughts , even though I knew I wasn't in trouble my mind began to rethink everything at more than 10000 thoughts per second. Sure I've shoplifted a few times before but I've never been caught.

I started to walk up to the front door to open it up before it was kicked down. Men rushed into the house with guns, when they noticed me they looked shocked, almost worried.

"Aoife Doyle, are you okay? Do you know where your father is?" A man who didn't look like he was from the FBI at all asked, he looked more like a teacher.

They were all probably expecting me to scream or something but I just stood there, frozen in shock.

"Miss, are you ok?" A  Italian-looking man asked me with a serious look of worry in his face.

"Uhhh...uhh...I'm...uh my dads upstairs" I stuttered probably sounding like a complete idiot. Dad was paying a short visit here because he had business with some drug cartel..I think.

I'm not stupid, I used to believe he had some high-up job but now that I'm older I realize that is unrealistic. Now I realize, he must be doing something illegal like drug dealing or selling fake paintings to be earning all the money he does. I don't mind though, it's not really hurting anyone if it's though things and moneys money. I just never thought he would get caught because he's been doing it since I can remember.

There were now far too many FBI agents in my house and they were all muttering to each other and glancing back at me.

I tried to hear but my thoughts were so loud I couldn't listen.

"Take her back to the station" is all I heard followed by being dragged out of my home.

I sat patiently in the cop car, the raining pouring down the window. Two cops were in the front with their poker faces on making me extremely nervous.

The car was filled with silence that made everything uncomfortable and awkward. The white noise stopped when I saw my dad, it felt like the world has stopped when I saw the handcuffs he was in.

"Dad!    Dad!    Dad!" He made eye contact with me and waved, then he muttered something to the FBI agent.

He slowly walked over to me with a warm smile on his face. He knocked on the window of the car, I couldn't help but cry when I realized they must have a reason for storming the house and they are probably going to put him in jail.

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