Enter Sandman

80 1 0

America , 2005

A man in his late twenties/ early thirties with strawberry blonde hair answered the door and looked us up and down skeptically.

"FBI can we talk to you for a second?" I asked kindly, displaying my credentials.

David let us in and almost instantly a golden retriever ran up to us barking, causing Spencer to jump and me to laugh at Spencer's jump of fear.

"Sandy, no, no, no" David calmed down the dog apologizing.

"Oh, no, it's ok. That was just what we call 'the Reid effect" I laughed gesturing to Reid who was playfully rolling his eyes at me.

David just looked up at Spencer and I confused  "It happens with children too, don't worry about it....I'm Agent Doyle and the owner of the Reid Effect is Agent Dr Reid"  I explained while he pulled the dog away from us.

"You look too young to have gone to medical school."

Oh god, here we go again. One day I'm just going to not introduce him at all.

"They're Ph.D's. 3 of them."

"Not to brag or anything" I whispered quiet enough for only Spencer to hear.

"Are you a genius or something?"

Yes, please just say yes Spencer. I thought to myself while nodding at Spencer trying to communicate through brain waves.

"I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified..but I do have an I.Q of 187 and an Eidetic memory and can read 20,000 words per minute " Spencer concluded with me nothing the words that I've heard so many times. David just looked up at me in disbelief as if we were playing a prank on him.

"Yes, he's a genius" I nodded to clarify because the amount of times Spencer has had to repeat that.

Sandy sat next to my feet and barked so, as a reflex I bended down, probably flashing Spencer and starting to pet her.

"Sandy, you get a lot of attention, don't you?" I asked in a high pitched baby voice by accent. And then I fake coughed to play it cool.  Spencer gave me a 'eek' type of look and began to look through things.

"Yeah, Heather loves this dog. I feed her when Heathers away. Usually, she's fine but..lately, she won't eat. It's almost like she can sense somethings wrong." He scoffed at his own words quietly while I looked up at him and I noticed a tent being built in his pants. I got up from where I was kneeling on the floor and straightened out my clothes to distract myself from looking down at it.

"Not sense. Smell. Our apocrine sweat gland releases secretions in response to emotional stress" Spencer smiled at us sarcastically while he walked by to start looking into magazines.

"Sandy's worried because she knows you are" I explained, looking at him in the eye so I don't look down at it.

"David, does you sister drive a Datsun Z?" Spencer asked with his back turned to us.

"No, but she's in the market for one. How'd you know?"

Sandy barked when she saw the magazine so David took her outside.

"What was that?" Spencer chuckled at me while I made my way over to him.

"I'm a animal person. Why, is Dr Genius Spencer Reid jealous?" I asked secretly hoping he was even though I doubt he was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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