Golden Slumbers

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Quantico , Virginia, 2004.

My first week went by really fast. Who knew being a receptionist was actually kinda fun? I had lunch on the 6th floor with Spencer, Derek and occasionally the liaison, JJ. She was really nice and very pretty. She was sort of shy at first but now she's finally revealed herself a bit more.

The unit chief, Aaron Hotchner. Is kinda scary. He walked in on us having lunch one time and told me he looked into my resume and said I was qualified to be a profiler and that there's a place on the team for me. I almost let out a shriek of joy when he told me that but I keep my composure.

There's a new tech analysis coming in today, I'm super excited. Now, I won't be the new person anymore. Her name is Penelope Garcia, Spencer told me she handed her résumé in on pink stationery which makes her already one of the coolest ppl I've met.

I was practically reciting things to say to her when a blonde girl wearing a neon pink coat and a green skirt rushed in.

"Hi, I'm Penelope Garcia. Do you happen to know how to get to the 6th floor" she smiled at me with her bright pink lips.

"Oh-my-god. Hi. I'm Aoife Doyle. I do and  I can show you around if you'd like?" Her smile grew and she nodded.

I showed her the rooms she would be using and then a showed her to her office. It looked like a security office but she seemed to love it. She declared it her ' layer' and started decorating it, pulling the most random items out of her bag: a teddy bear, a jar of sweets, multiple light up pens, a fake wand and lots more.

"Oh we are definitely going to be friends" I chuckled from the doorway of her Layer.

"Definitely, sweet pea"

I introduced Garcia to everyone and they were all sort of hesitant to her.  When she left to go back to her Layer I decided to stay with them and ask why.

Spencer was at his desk, playing chess with himself when I came up. I leaned against his desk and tried acting casual. Spencer just examined me.

"Afternoon, Aoife" he nodded smiling.

"And afternoon to you, kind sir" I pertained to tip my hat off at him.

"So.. what's up with the tension between the team and Penelope"


"Sure..sure" I nodded sarcastically

"It's just, she didn't even need any training, she was actually a hacker before"

"Well, I like her"

"You like everyone"

"Shut up" I mumbled rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, well, you do" he mumbled followed by his signature tight lip smile.

We had lunch with Penelope and Derek kept forgetting her name so at one stage he just called her 'baby girl' and surprisingly she answered to that. Which made me a Spencer shoot each other confused looks that soon turned into laughter.

I opened the door of Harry and I's rental flat, it was big enough, with : two bedrooms with queen sized beds, a sitting room which I covered in my massive collection of books and that made it look like a library, a retro kitchen which Harry was meant to be cooking in now.

"Hey babe!" Harry shouted from the couch where he was watching TV.

"Whatcha watching?"

"The game"

"I see"

I sat down next to him and he turned to me a tucked a stray hair behind my ear. I smiled and leaned into his hand.

"I missed you" I hummed in reply to him.

He began kissing my neck slowly while I played with his hair.  His tongue soon began to take over my body as I started to rip of my sweater and bra leaving me just in my short skirt.

He pulled back for a second to admire me, making me feel insecure because he didn't say anything he just nodded.

It all happened so fast it feels like it didn't happen, that it was merely a daydream but the proof that we were both now in bed , out of breath and me just in a skirt and him in nothing, proved me wrong.

I fell asleep, sticky and uncomfortable next to him in our stained bed.

I woke up with my legs feeling like jelly. I didn't have work today but Harry did so I'm having a 'self care day' Which means I'm going to stay in bed til 11 even though I'm already awake and it's 7.

At 11 I limped to the shower and sat down with the water pouring down on me. I couldn't help but feel gross, I washed every inch of my body twice then went to make some pancakes.

I rang Evan and updated him on my job and he told me that he is thinking of proposing to his current girlfriend of 4 years, Lydia.

I have nothing against Lydia, she's nice. But she's a bit on the annoying side. As in, she would talk to any boy for hours on end about how she's different from every other girl. She is different from every other girl, not because she pertains that she knows about football but because she has no morals.

If you were wearing too much makeup, she would point it out. Too little makeup, she would point it out. If you gained weight, if you lost weight, if you were too girly, if you weren't girly enough. She is a very 'honest' person.

She treats Evan well though, and I cant stop him so I'm just going to have to live with it. Okay, maybe I do have a few things against Lydia.

Then, I opened Rossi's letter. He's in Italy now and he says people even there have bought his books. He's coming back to america soon and says if he stops by D.C that we should go out to dinner or coffee to catch up. We've met up a few times before and he taught me how to make pasta by scratch. It was the best pasta I've ever tasted.

Spencer and I don't write each-other letters anymore because we see each other every day, we do send lists of book recommendations. It's hard for me to recommend books for him because he's read so many. But as-long as I pick a book that is about love, he wouldn't have read it yet so I normally just go with that because it's the safe option.

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