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                                       ∆Let the games begin∆

We entered through the front door and was led to the living roomHaewon not taking her stare off of us for a second

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We entered through the front door and was led to the living room
Haewon not taking her stare off of us for a second.


Nice house!" Yoon smiled immediately admiring the big living room and the unique furniture and antiques inside of it.
"Yaaayyy! You guys came!" Sullyoon yelled as she ran up to us giving us a hug at the the same time.

Once she broke apart from the hug she observed our outfits and make-up. "You guys are looking certainly gorgeous as usual, especially you Y/n." Sullyoon winked at me, causing me to laugh.

"Its rude to flirt with guests." Haewon spoke out coldly before exiting the living room and walking into the big area of the main house.

"Don't mind her. She needs a couple of drinks in her." Sullyoon laughed, trying her hardest to make Yoon and I comfortable.

As Sullyoon was about to lead us to get introduced to the other girls a sudden arrow flew over all three of our heads landing right next to Yoon head, almost hitting her by one inch making us flinch and yelp loudly.

We immediately looked up at the bandit that did it, Bae.

"Bae what the fuck!" Sullyoon nervously giggled.

Bae walked in confident holding a crossbow in her left hand laughing a bit "Damn I was close!" She laughed harder.
Lily then came from behind and started laughing with her
"See I told you couldn't do it yet. You still need practice."

The pair was laughing at almost killing us. Weird.

"You could've killed us what the fuck! Where did you even get that shit from!" Yoon shouted, erupting silence.

"Chill..its a joke and F.Y.I. its from my grandfather." Bae nonchalantly shrugged.

"Jokes are supposed to be funny dickhead."

"Um Sullyoon you better get this bitch before I use my knife and cut her neck." Bae shouted starting to walk up closer to Yoon.

"Hey!" A voice shouted making Bae pause in action.

"Haewon says dinner is ready." Jinni calmly said before heading out.
Silence was still for a bit
"You heard the lady it's time to eat." Lily laughed before running out the room.

Yea these girls are definitely... Interesting.

Sullyoon gestured for us to follow as we did so.
The whole time we walked through the almost endlessly long hallway Bae kept glaring at Yoon still holding her crossbow.
Yoon noticed so she walked up closer to me than usual.

Lily then opened the huge doors that revealed the enchanting dining room. Glazed wooden floor with two long glass cabins of wine glasses, A long dining room table with the the total of 9 chairs. Each seat having a antique plate with a red napkin, fork, spoon, butter knife, and glass with a huge silver chandelier dangling over the table. The dinner on the plate was chicken breast with buttery and salt broccoli and mashed potatoes.

"Have a seat but Bae put that thing down before sitting. Haewon calmly said. Bae groaned loudly before commanding her wishes.

Jiwoo and Kyujin then entered the room, greeting me and Yoon and taking their seat. I noticed all 7 of them had on dark red or complete black clothing which kind of worked since me and Yoon kind of matched the color scheme with them.

"Bon Appetite!" Haewon finally smiled raising her glass before taking a sip. All of us started digging into the food enjoying the delicious supper. Through dinner we all warmed up to each other more. Especially me and Sullyoon and surprisingly Bae and Yoon.
We all learned each others likes and dislikes, favorite movies, favorite songs and etc. I quite honestly enjoyed it.

7:54 p.m.

I don't know exactly what was in those drinks but boy did it make me and Yoon dizzy and tipsy as hell while the others were oddly fine and sober. Jiwoo had set some music to set the party mood so everything felt like a daze.

Some moments later between our partying 8:00 had suddenly hit making the big wooden clock go off making this big sound.
Jinni turned off the music and whispered to Haewon
"Its time."

Time for what?

"Ok girls its time to play Hide and seek!" Kyujin quickly cheered.
Due to the liquor me and Yoon both drunkenly cheered like little kids excited for a classic childhood game.

"Ok so you guys know the basic rule of hide and seek but the way we do it is a bit different. All 7 of us will be the seekers while the two of you will hide ok?" Haewon explained.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yep! And one more thing no hiding together either. The two of you must hide in different spaces. The game. Starts. Now."
Haewon's tone darkened even more than before.

"Go hide!Go hide!" Jinni yelled, rushing me and Yoon out the living room. Before I hurriedly left the room Sullyoon grabbed my wrist staring deep in my eyes. She suddenly kissed me with hope in her eyes "Good luck..." She then part ways from me and I gasped a little of excitement before I got yanked out the living room by Yoon.

"Come on!" She giggled.

8:15 p.m.

Me and Yoon practically sprinted down the hallways holding each others hand wondering where to hide to since the game started.

"Ooo look!" Yoon pointed out.
"There's a large wooden cabinet and a closet from across each other! Since I'm smaller I'll hide in the cabinet and you hide in the closet!" Yoon ordered.

I sheepishly giggled before following Yoon's order. Going into the closet. I left the door open just a little bit so I could still be able to peek outside and see everything.

Long minutes later I heard sudden footsteps near Me and Yoon's hiding space. I tried my hardest to not laugh.

The footsteps got closer and closer to our area.

I then heard Yoon sudden stifled laughter.
'Damn she can never keep quiet ' I laughed in my head.

I then heard the cabinet door suddenly swing open hearing nothing but outbursts of Yoon's loud laughter.

"Damn you caught me- um Jiwoo what are you doing with that?" Her voice filled with glee suddenly filled with confusion and fear.

"Jiwoo-AA-" Yoon screams immediately got cut off with a gut wrenching slashing sound. A couple seconds later I start to hear gurgling noises.

To my curiosity I peeked out the creak of the door and was met with the sight of Jiwoo stabbing Yoon repeatedly in the neck as Yoon's eyes popped out while blood dripped out her mouth.
Jiwoo took one last final stab before Yoon's cold body dropped to the floor.

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