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∆Let it Burn∆

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Let it Burn∆

I huffed and puffed loudly observing Jiwoo's lifeless body.
I dropped the ball and bent over slightly still catching my breath.

I straightened up my posture and turned around to see Jinni holding a large machete breathing hard slightly.
Not feeling any more fear but just anger and exhaustion I stared back at her with a tired look in my eyes.
"Come on bitch." I said so chilling with a bit of a whisper.

She took a swing at me with her machete slashing my arm.

I grabbed a hold of both wrists and pushed her back up against the wall suddenly slamming her wrist hard against the wall trying to make her let go of the machete.

Each pounding thud her wrist made against the wall, her painful groans with my grunts filled the room. She finally dropped the weapon before she kicked me hard in the vagina.
"Oh!" I groaned loudly. She pushed me away from her and made us switch positions. Her now pinning me against the wall.
She quickly let go of my left hand and fingered her index finger into my shoulder making me scream of agony. She smirked hard as she saw me weaken, pushing her finger deeper into my shoulder wound.

In final response of her doing that shit to me I kicked her hard in her kneecap. I kicked her so hard her kneecap went inwards.

"AAURGHHH! WHAT THE FUCK!" She cried loudly.
She held onto her knee in pain as she sobbed, stumbling back away from me. I held tight onto my shoulder as blood started  reoccurring even more on my wound whimpering while also crying a little. I need to finish her off.

There was a large bottle of wine sitting on a mini table next to one of the brown chairs. I glanced at the bottle then glanced at the crying Jinni who is now laying on the pool table still screaming her head off.
"HAEWON!HAEWON!" She started to scream.

I ignored her for a moment walking over to the bottle then walking back to her with the bottle now in my hand.

I purposely stood her back up making her yell even louder.
"SHUT UP!" I screamed before smashing the bottle all into her head. The bottle made a loud crash sound and shards were soon all over Jinni's head with smalls cuts all on her face and her face and hair drenched in the red wine alcohol.

I took the remaining piece of the large glass shard and grabbed her by the hair. Walking her over to in front of the fireplace before facing her again. I took the shard and stabbed her into her lower abdomen hearing nothing but a gut wrenching slash when I stabbed her making her gasp. I pulled out the shard and a big blood spot formed over her wound. She covered it with her hand but the blood started to seep through her fingers making her hand all bloody. I dropped the shard and grabbed a hold of Jiwoo's gun aiming at her.

"Any last words?"

She looked at me with pain but tried to over power it with a smile and an evil chuckle.
"Yea...your friend..yoon... Died like a fucking pussy."

Motherfucking bitch.

I shot fire. Shooting her exactly 5 times. But each time I shot her, her body jerked backwards. I shot her one more last time and the bullet struck into her so fast and hard that her body turned completely around and fell towards the fireplace. Her head falling into the fire.

The fire got louder and so did her screams. Her body shaking uncontrollably until there was nothing but sounds of her head burning flesh.

I laughed. Real hard. Now who's the pussy?

I laughed joyfully seeing the sight until I  felt a sudden sharp painful pinch in my neck.
I turned around and saw Haewon smiling devilishly with a large needle in her hand. She injected something in me.

My vision became blurry and my breath became haggard until I passed out cold onto the floor.

Jinni has died.

Two girls left to defeat. Haewon and Sullyoon.

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