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                                                 ∆Finale pt.2∆

Sullyoon stared at me with a unpredictable expression

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Sullyoon stared at me with a unpredictable expression.

She walked up to me with the knife in her hand, her hand shaking a little. I closed my eyes holding my breath ready to come to my fate.

I then heard her turn and walk behind me.
Oh no she's gonna slit my throat.

I then heard a loud clink from the chain my hands were tied up with. My wrist felt way more loose until I realized..I could finally move my hands around. The rope tied tight around my torso then became loose.

Sullyoon undid the chain on my wrist and untied the rope.
Me now being free from the chair.

Sullyoon walked back in front of me. Holding a different type of knife than before in front of me.
"Take this." Her expression showing no emotion but still a little emotion at the same time.

My hand trembled taking the knife, being confused on why she's doing this instead of killing me right here.

"I fight fair." She spoke once more
"Come on. Get up and let's do this." Her voice shaken.

I didn't know if this was a trap. I sat still in the seat being afraid to make any movement.
"Get up!" Her voice raised up a bit with hesitation still in her voice. Her eyes starting to gloss up indicating she was tearing up.
"Please.." Her voice strained becoming weak.

I started getting tearful. Standing up finally face to face with her with the knife still in contact with my hand.

She stepped back a bit giving me a little bit of space.
Getting into defense position with her knife.
I uncomfortably did the same. Not feeling 100% confident.

We both started breathing heavily. Trying to prep ourselves.
Sullyoon made the first move. Running up and immediately stabbing me in my back.

We both screamed out of shock.
She quickly pulled out the knife and dropped it on the floor.
Holding her mouth in shock with her hands.
As she started to cry and tremble.

She went up to me and held me tight to her arms making us fall on our knees to the ground.
Her hand becoming bloody as she tried to cover my fresh wound with it.
"Fuck! I can't do it I'm sorry!! Haewon I want out of this!I can't hurt her no longer!" She pleaded.

She sobbed into my shoulder. Crying harder than me.
"Sullyoon get up." I spoke deeply. A little bit of confidence stepping into me again.
I gently pushed her off of me and stood back up.
Hunching over slightly with my hand on my back.
Sullyoon was still at her knees holding onto my feet begging for forgiveness.

"Sullyoon get up!" I sobbed.
"Please! I'll be okay!...just get up for me.." I begged with tears in desperation.

She tugged onto my skirt holding herself back up for support as she finally stood up still crying a little. We stared deep into each others eyes silently crying for a few moments which felt like hours.
"W-why?" I asked finally. My voice breaking.

"It's this book. Labeled the Devil's book. Haewon had found it one school evening randomly in the woods and became obsessed with it ever since. Literally all she does is just study that damn book because the book has all these rituals where if we do them and do them correctly our dreams or wishes come true. Bae's wish was to get her brother out the foster home, Lily's was to become a famous idol since she sung really well, Kyujin, Jinni, and , Jiwoo's dream was to be crazy rich, Haewon's was to receive all great fortune and live a long life."

"What was yours?" I asked out of curiosity.
"To disappear. With no worries." She replied.
"It's not a lot but its all I ever wanted."

She started to cry again. Going into deep depth of how truly she's messed up but she quickly wiped her tears and trying to put on a stone face.
"Y/n...when one of us die.. Promise we won't have hatred in our hearts." She looked at me with hope.
"I promise." I held out my hand to shake it with hers. She grabbed it and kissed the knuckle of my hand passionately.
She dropped my hand and held up her knife.
"You ready?"

I nodded with fear in my eyes.
"Will you be okay to fight?"
I nodded again still not saying anything.
"Will you still love me the way I love you?"
I froze when she said that breaking down once more, letting my guard down
"Of course I will." I weep

"Fuck it!! I won't kill you. I just won't."

"Oh Sullyoon.." I cried.
I dropped the knife I had and was about to go up to her to hug her but a loud boom erupted the room. Making me flinch suddenly closing my eyes and making my ears ring a bit.

I opened my eyes and saw blood on Sullyoon.
Sullyoon looked at me gasping hard with her eyes wide as she collapsed onto the floor breathing uncontrollably.

Haewon stood behind her with a gun aimed up.
She shot Sullyoon.
"I gave you one fucking task and you can't even do that!" She spat out coldly.

"UGH!!YOU BITCH!!" I swung at her hitting her in the head as hard as I could. She fell onto her back quickly trying to gain composure but I kicked her in the ribs.
Making sure stayed on the ground.

I looked onto the floor and saw the chains Haewon tied me with earlier. I grabbed it and wrapped it tight around her neck choking her with it. At first she tried to fight it off but seconds went by and she lost oxygen. Her face turning red. Her veins popping out. Her eyes starting to pop out. I took one last choke grip before her neck snapped. Her body went still.

I finally killed the leader.

I kneel down to Sullyoon body and sees her still struggling to breath.

Haewon has died.

Sullyoon still left. Or will she survive with Y/n.
See final chapter on Saturday.

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