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∆Finale pt

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Finale pt.1∆

I gasped out loud for air jolting awake.
My mind feeling hazy and everything felt like a huge nightmare that I woke up from until realization,memories, and reality had hit. This wasn't some nightmare I could easily wake up from and everything was alright. This nightmare was actually real and I had to fight to be able to live. To defeat it.

I looked around frantically trying to identify where I was.
I was in the living room. Tied to a chair with my hands handcuffed with a tight silver chain and being placed in front of the fireplace.

Feeling hot and sweaty not knowing if its from the fire or me being out cold. I tried to move but it was no use, I was tied in real tight.

"Helpp!" My voice yelled in a raspy tone.

A low laugh suddenly arises.

"How cute...you think someone will save you." Haewon appeared from the shadows walking with confidence.

"You know..if you weren't our sacrifice for this. You would've been perfect to be with us I mean damn you seriously got some skills at fighting and killing people." Haewon slowly walked around me in circles while talking. Keeping a cool, calm, and collected but alarming demeanor.

"Too bad Yoon can't say the same thing huh?"
She stopped and bent down to me, our faces so close our noses almost touched.

Due to her comment about Yoon I spat on her face.
Making Haewon close her eyes in disgust for a bit.
"Fuck you!" I yelled

She wiped away the spit that landed on her chin and opened her eyes again with a deep exhale.

"You wish you could be able to do that to me..or how about I just push you into this fire like you did to JINNI!!"
Her voice went from zero to hundred.

She kicked the chair real hard making me tip over until she caught the chair with her left hand. Letting my head dangle just inches away from the fire. Feeling the back of my neck warm up.

Now I know why Haewon is the leader. She is like a storm. Starts off quiet and then boom! There goes the thunder when you least expect it.

She laughed and smiled genuinely seeing how much fear started rummaging over my face as my head started to become closer and closer to the flames.

She then pulled back up the chair. Making me sigh hard of relief.

"I should slit your throat right now but I'm gonna get you harder where it hurts...I know you and Sullyoon got the hots for each other so I'm going to have her do the honors and have her kill you."

She backed away from me "Oh Sully..." She sung a bit in a fake innocent tone.

Sullyoon emerged from the shadows with a knife. Looking at me.
"Oh this is gonna be a bloodbath." She laughed. She walked up to Haewon and lowly whispered into her ear.

"Make.Her.Suffer." Haewon ordered and patted Sullyoon's shoulder.

"Meanwhile I'm gonna go ahead and prop the bodies to make it seem like you're an intruder that broke in and killed them and Sullyoon and I were the only survivors." Haewon walked out the living room.Leaving me and Sullyoon. Just the two of us

"All of you will never get away with this!"

"This is our 9th time doing this and the police never suspected us, so yes we most likely will." Sullyoon finally spoke out. Sharpening up her blade on the knife.

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