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What the fuck!?!?

I watched the scene unfold in front of me.
Watching in horror
Cannot believe that I witnessed my best friend life getting taken away
I have to leave, I have to call the police.

I have to run.

"Got the first one!" Jiwoo screamed.
Footsteps started recruiting to Jiwoo and the dead body of Yoon.

"Perfect!" Kyujin squealed excitedly.
"No its not perfect yet. We need to get the other one remember! And it needs to happen fast before midnight or else our wishes won't come true and this ritual will be for nothing!" Haewon yelled.


"Now we must split up to find Y/n and as soon as you see her immediately kill!" Haewon ordered once again.

"No hesitating." Haewon specifically looked at Sullyoon when she said that, making Sullyoon lower her head a little bit.

I leaned against the door so much trying to eavesdrop and see the view I accidentally fell out the door stumbling onto the floor having attention from the girls on me all of a sudden.

"Found her." Kyujin sarcastically said.

Suddenly in a quick pace, Bae aimed the crossbow at my head and released the arrow but I flinched away from the arrow the same time in fast motion that the arrow gazed my face only leaving a open cut on my left cheek.

"Damn it!" Bae yelled.

"Get her!" Jinni yelled.

I quickly got up and made a run for it.
"Wait! Let the little bunny get a head start!" Haewon chuckled.
"Split up. It'll be easier."

"Cool! I call dibs on her first!" Kyujin yelled. Immediately running after me while the rest split around the house to help try to catch me.

8:34 p.m.

I ran real fast. Running so fast even my legs couldn't catch up with my speed anymore leading me to fall again. I quickly got up and ran some more before stopping in front of these two large doors. I pushed them open with all my might and was met with a large pool? Damn how big can this house get.

I was about to run out the pool area until I felt a sudden tip of a knife touching my neck. "Found you..." Kyujin lowly whispered.

Quick Y/n attack! Do something!

I suddenly elbowed her hard in the lower stomach making her groan loudly and bending over slightly.
Adrenaline rushed into me.
I started hitting and pulling on her head making her lose balance but she still had the knife in her hand. She sliced my lower leg making me cry out loud. She then charged at me making both of us fall in the 6ft deep pool.

Nothing but muffled cries and grunts in and out of the water is the only thing both of us could hear. She had dunked me underwater before putting me in a harsh headlock having a tight grip on my neck. I tried to loosen her grip and scratch her arms as hard as I could but she wouldn't budge. She only tightened the headlock more making me feel the oxygen knock out of my lungs more and more. I then had the idea to gouge at her eyes hard and it worked. Making her yelp in pain quickly letting go of me. I took it as an opportunity to dunk her head repeatedly under the water, holding her hair tight while punching her here and there In between dunks trying my best to defend myself.

I knew doing this wouldn't really stop anything. She wanted blood. She wanted to kill. Everyone did, But not unless I kill first.

I saw a glance of the knife she had earlier sunken deep at the bottom of the pool. I let go of her and swam to the bottom and picked up the knife, swimming up to the surface.

As I went up to the surface for air I was met with a harsh punch knocking blood out my mouth creating a busted lip.
She grabbed my face and headbutt me making me feel dizzy.
She took it as an opportunity to snatch the knife out my hand and stab me in my shoulder.

I screamed in agony and pain before falling back underwater. Starting to feel weakness. She purposely picked me back up to surface and raised the knife to stab me in a more fatal area but I still had a bit adrenaline left quickly making me put my hand in front of my face. The knife stabbing through my palm.

I fell back underwater. My screams bursting through my eardrums. She then went back underwater and aimed the knife to slit my throat. My other hand grabbed the hand she had the knife in. Tugging and pulling with her until I got on top and swam up for air again. In anger and defense mode I harshly twisted her wrist hearing nothing but a sickening crunch noise.

"Aaa!" Her scream mumbled underwater. I then snatched the knife back and pulled her up close to me before stabbing her in the heart.
Blood immediately gushing out of her wound.
She groaned loudly her body starting to feel weaker and weaker as she collapsed back underwater.

The pool water transitioning from aqua blue to red.

Kyujin has died.

6 girls left to defeat.

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