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                                               ∆Ready or not∆

   I made my way to the bathroom without thankfully getting caught

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   I made my way to the bathroom without thankfully getting caught. I opened the bathroom cabinet and saw nothing but pills, drugs, and bandages filled up on the shelves. I grabbed the box of bandages and sat down on the mid warm bathroom floor. I forcefully ripped the shoulder part of my shirt open exposing the large wound on it. Every little movement I made I winced silently with the pain bothering me harshly.

I opened the box and pulled out a large amount of bandages trying to wrap them the best way I could around my shoulder. I made sure it was nice tight and have a good pressure on it so it would stop the bleeding. I wrapped a small piece of bandage on my leg and prepped myself and forced myself back up on my feet.

"Shit" I groaned.

I walked to the mirror and just stood there staring at my reflection. Staring how bloody and and torn up I looked.

Tears silently glides down my cheek as the realization kick in.
My trust to Sullyoon was basically a lie, Yoon is dead for some stupid ritual, I should've listen to her since the beginning, and I could possibly be dead next.

I turned on the faucet and slowly applied cold water to my face to gain some consciousness more and wash away the exhaustion a bit.

I wiped my tears once more and toughened myself out a bit.
Now's not the time to break down.

I huffed and puffed silently, not wanting anyone to know my location and let out a deep sigh. Being thankful I took Bae's crossbow with me I took a hold of it and slowly opened the bathroom door.


"I think I hear her!" Jinni whispered loudly going the other direction on where I was hiding. Phew that was close.

I crawled back out my hiding spot and continued on my journey.
The hallways and the rooms I passed started to look familiar.
I then made it to the main area of the house and saw the front door. With hope I jogged up to the door and turned the door-knob but it was locked. Of course it is the fuck I expected, they aren't amateurs and plus there was a large Key lock on the door anyway. I quickly made my exit out the area and jogged around once more.
Thank goodness this house was big as fuck so I wouldn't have to always worry about coming across the four girls left.

I entered a room and it was a huge room that had large books on shelves, A fireplace, large paintings, A pool table, a carpet, and two huge brown chairs. Oh yeah and a window..wait! A window!

I damn near ran fast as hell completely forgetting about the minor injury on my leg and tried to open the window as fast as I could but I heard sudden footsteps retreat behind me.

"Not so fucking fast." Oh fuck me.

I turned around and immediately aimed the crossbow, it was Jiwoo...holding a gun.

We both held our weapons up at each other in clear view.
Glaring at each other not saying another word.
Our eyes locked and loaded on each other like we were each others prize for the kill.

Jiwoo walked up just a bit still not letting her guard down. I did the same.

We both had then slowly walked up to the pool table her on the right side me on the left.

"You're a pretty good fighter." Jiwoo aimed the gun further to me.
I took a glance at our weapons and calculated for a bit. Noticing my weapon was much more larger and longer than hers so I could easily hit the gun out of her hand and strike.

My eyes looked back up into her eyes.
She let out a chilling chuckle "silent now huh?"

I took action. Doing exactly what I planned in my head. The gun flew out her hand and I had hit her in the head hard making her lose balance and stumble a bit onto her butt.
(A/n:You didn't actually shoot her btw you actually hit her with the crossbow)

I jumped over the pool table knocking a few balls off the table and onto the ground and had hit her again but this time in her ribs making her grunt out loud.

She turned onto her back just as I was about to actually shoot her with an arrow and grabbed the crossbow making me lose my chance of shooting her. We were tugging back and forth onto the bow neither one of us letting down just yet until Jiwoo had kicked me in the stomach hard making me lose grip.

She laughed devilishly with evil in her eyes as she now had full control of the weapon and prepped up the crossbow more properly, sat on her knees and aimed it at me.

I grabbed the ball that I knocked off the pool table earlier and chucked it at her. The ball hit her harshly on her boobs knocking the complete wind out of her. She threw the crossbow out her hands and clutched hard onto her chest area as she wheeze and gasped for air. She started coughing up blood as she coughed and cried.

I grabbed the ball I threw at her and menacingly walked up to her. I looked at her one last time before kneeling down to her level and smashing the ball into her head. Over and over and over and over and over until her face became unrecognizable and gushed nothing but blood. Her body twitched slightly until she stopped moving. I grunted out loud out of anger and adrenaline.
Some of Jiwoo's blood even landed onto me with blood now all over my face and basically everywhere on me.

Jiwoo has died.

3 girls left to defeat.

Who do you guys think is the best skilled fighter in this book and the scariest? Please comment down below!❤

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