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∆Fight back∆

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Fight back∆


was able to use my might to pull myself out of the pool.
Laying on the cold tile floor on my back breathing heavy

Soreness, pain, and exhaustion took over my body.
I slowly stood back up with a low grunt reaching for the knife, kyujin's blood mixed with mine all over the blade.

I went into a dog position before having my two feet step onto the ground and slowly got up, holding onto my knees for a bit support.
"Fuck.." I slowly winced as the recurring pain on my leg, hand, and mostly shoulder kept hitting me. I limped my way out of the pool area and back into the hallways hoping to find a good room with a good hiding spot so I could stay there until midnight.
The knife I still had with me was for protection just in case.

I slowly made my down the hallway observing which room to take to hide in when I heard sudden footsteps coming my direction.

I looked over to my left and saw a door next to me and quickly opened it but trying to not make any noise so I wouldn't alert anyone towards me. I closed the door behind me and was met with darkness in the room. I didn't care enough to find a light switch and turned it on at the moment though. I looked through the little peephole the door had, hoping no one came near but someone did, Lily. I closed my eyes shut and started praying heavily in my head that she would not open the door and come in the room I was in.

I opened my eyes again and looked to the peephole.
She was standing right outside the door I felt my breath getting heavy and shaky
but instead of opening the door she went left heading to the pool area.

"Thank you Jesus!" I cheered in my head

As I finally backed away from the door sighing of relief a light had quickly came in the room I turned around and saw Bae in the corner of the room, her hand on the lamp she turned on, smirking with that same damn crossbow in her other arm.

With no words she aimed the crossbow at me.
In a quick act I held up the knife and threw it at her in an attempt of hope that it would aim and hit her but that type of shit really only happens in movies what the hell was I thinking. The knife instead had hit a big vase next to her causing it to fall on the ground making a loud crash sound.

Bae slightly chuckled In disbelief before she released the arrow, hitting the shoulder in the same exact wound kyujin stabbed me in. Definitely gonna be a permanent scar there.

I let out the most excruciating painful blood curdling scream ever that I'm sure the whole block could hear it.

Bae prepped up her crossbow again and released another arrow this time she missed hitting the painting right above my head.
As usual she had let out a frustrating yell with a curse and that was my cue to somewhat run out but Lily quickly came running in the room

"I heard screaming is she here-"

She cut off her words when she entered and saw me standing in front of her.

I turned around back to Bae in panic and saw her holding up the crossbow releasing another arrow but this time I quickly ducked dodging it. Good for me but not good for Lily.

Since Lily was still behind me and I ducked, the arrow had shot into her instead. The arrow plunged into Lily's head making her die instantly as she fell to the ground. Her head now laying in a puddle of her own blood.

"Lily!" Bae screamed tears forming through her eyes. She was so shocked by what she did she let her guard down for a second letting go of the crossbow. Her grief quickly turned to anger though.

Her eyes darted at me. Her eyes raging of murder.
She screamed with hatred as she charged towards me I quickly went left but Bae followed tumbling me onto the large queen size bed in the room. As she got on top of me she had grabbed the arrow that was still engraved in my shoulder and pushed it down further.

She ignored my screams of pain and went to my throat choking the actual fucking life out of me.

"This Is for Lily. You. Dumb.Fucking.Bitch." she gritted through her teeth.

After useless seconds of me trying to fight her off of me I glanced at the arrow in me, coming up with a solution.

I gathered my strenght and punched her hard as I could in the nose making her loosen her grip before I pulled out the arrow in my shoulder with a harsh cry and used the metal part of the arrow and struck it into her stomach.  "Fuck!" She screamed. I took out the arrow and took the advantage to push her off of me. She fell onto her back clutching her wound while she started to form herself into a fetal position swaying back and forth a little with whimpers and cries.

I crawled off the bed and crawled up to her and turned her to her back again before stabbing her again in her stomach in the same area similar like she just did to me.

I released the arrow out of her stomach and threw it on the ground. I reached for the crossbow she had and stood up on my knees aiming at her head.

She looked real startled when she saw me aiming it at her and started to cry.
"I'm so sorry ok..f-fuck I'm sorry. I don't want to die, please I'm sorry that we killed your friend....I just..I only did this so I could get my wish to come true...w-which was to get a lot of money to save my brother from his foster home..I-im sorry please!!" She begged.

"I-i swear I'm a good person..please I'm sorry!! I'm sorry! I don't want to die..I didn't want to put you in danger! I only did this to get my brother back...and Haewon..threatened me to do this and used my brother against me I'm sorry, I swear I'm good." Bae cried even more, as the blood from her wound started to get bigger and bigger.

I put the crossbow away from her head and just stared as she begged. "I-I wanna go home.." She mumbled. Blood started to form around her entirely. She was bleeding out.
"i..I want to..to.. See my brother again.."

Her reaction gave me shock a little bit. This is the most emotion I've ever seen from her and I've been going to school with her since 8th grade, damn even longer than I've known Sullyoon.

"Y/n...I'm s-scared." She whispered out as she started to move less.
Bae knew it was over for her.
I hovered over her lightly touching her hand. She gripped onto my hand a bit.
"I'm sorry" She slowly said.

"I-I-i..." Her words slowly trailed off as her breathing got slower and slower. Her eyes started to blink real slow as she couldn't form words anymore nothing but quiet groans and moans until nothing. Just complete nothing. She was silent. She was now gone

Her eyes were still open as she took her last breath.
Feeling tiny sympathy for her, I slowly closed her eyes for her with my two fingers before weakly getting up and limping out the room walking over Lily's dead body.

Bae and Lily has died.

Four girls left to defeat.

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