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                          ∆The Final part of Hide but don't Seek∆

                          ∆The Final part of Hide but don't Seek∆

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Sullyoon trembled in my arms. Looking scared like a deer in headlights.

She tried to speak but couldn't form the words. Too much pain and adrenaline overwhelming her.

I sat on my knees holding her tight to my chest.
Rocking back and forth slightly.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.. I'm sorry we didn't get enough time to be together like the way we wanted." I apologized.

"Y/n....its..its...The key to the lock is.. In the room..on the cabinet where you killed Jinni and Jiwoo.." Sullyoon closed her eyes, her words trailed off making her go cold.
"Damn it!" I shouted. Tears flowing harder than before.

I finally let go of her, setting her down gently on the floor.
I had to let out a couple more cries before gaining composure again. I wiped Sullyoon's blood onto my shirt before getting up and going to the room.

I didn't exactly remember where the room was so it took me a bit of walking around but I eventually found it. While walking around though, I could've sworn I also heard someone walking and shuffling stuff around but I've had such a hell night that I was confident that I was hearing stuff.

I went into the room being met with Jiwoo's crush faced body and Jinni's head still in the fire. Flesh probably all melted and now its nothing but a burnt skull, ew.

I went to the only large cabinet in the room and opened it. Throwing stuff immediately off the shelves in a hurry hoping to find the key. But I didn't find nothing. I then had the idea to go on my tippy toes and reach on top of the cabinet and I felt a small object. I pulled it from on top and boom there it was, the key to the front door.

I ran out the room and ran some more down the hallway.
Determined to get Yoon's car keys so I could officially get the fuck out of here.

I ran straight down, made a couple of lefts, ran straight down again, and made a right into the hallway. I went into the right side of the hallway and saw Yoon's corpse still laying in the same spot when she first got killed.

I alarmingly ran up and immediately slowed down. Starting to feel sick. I turned the other way and threw up. I wiped the residue of throw up chunks off my mouth and walked up in close view to her body and disgust with guilty tears.

I don't know Y/n. I think we shouldn't go A flashback of her saying that to me popped up in my head. Her voice slightly echoing in my head.

She kept her key attached to her skirt as an accessory. That way she wouldn't easily lose it.
I reached into the belt of her skirt and unattached the key.
Her dead eyes stared straight through me.
"I'm sorry.  I should've listen to you. Please forgive me." I lowly spoke. Sofly caressing her smooth black hair before standing up and walking away.

11:38 P.m.

I ran to the front door and used the key. After a couple moments of jamming the key into the lock the lock had came loose. I yanked it off the door and opened the front door. Being met with fresh breeze seeing the view of outside. I started crying. Realizing I finally fucking did it and made it through the night.

As I was about to take my first step outside I felt someone grip my left ankle, startling me.

I looked down and saw it was Sullyoon!? She's alive!?

I looked behind her and saw trails of smeared blood all over the floor. She must've dragged herself all the way to me when I wasn't looking.
"Please! Take...me with you!.." She gasped hard between her desperate sobs.
I debated in my head for a moment before I decided to have a heart and drag her outside with me all the way to Yoon's car.

Once I made sure she was secured in the backseat I ran to the other side of the car and hopped into the drivers seat. Putting the key into ignition. The engine revved up a bit before officially starting. "Fuck yes!" I cheered.

I hit my foot on the gas and sped away. I look into the rearview mirror getting a look one last good time at the house.
"Fuck that house." I spat out coldly.

11:53 p.m.

I made it back into town. My phone was dead so I had made a stop to use some public vintage telephone booth. I stepped out the car and ran to the telephone booth. Inserting two quarters in and dialing 911.

The phone rang for a quick moment before the other line picked up.

"911 what is your emergency?"
"I need help-"

I suddenly heard the car door slam. I looked back and saw Sullyoon walking up behind me. She was walking normal?!

"Sullyoon how are you walking-"
My words got cut off as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.
I looked down and Sullyoon had a knife emerged in me.
I quickly dropped the phone making the phone line cut off and I held onto her.

"It was a trick Y/n...Haewon and I came up with a quick plan to trick you. She was gonna shoot me in the less fatal area and I was gonna have to act my ass off. You know my wish is actually to be a famous actress right?" She plunged the knife deeper into me.
Making my knees tremble before falling down and coughing up blood.
"Its sad but rules are rules..we won...we won the game. Its 11:56 four minutes before Midnight."

I tried to speak but she shushed me.
"Shhh..hey look at the bright side. You can be with Yoon." She chuckled.

"The other girls should be revived right now. Since another rule in the book is if there is one member left that kills the prey not only does the wishes come true but the other members gets to revive back to life in order to get theirs, isn't that fun." She laughed again with crazy look in her eyes.

"And plus I didn't have to kill you specifically in the house either. I could kill you anywhere as long it was before midnight hits."

She finally took the knife out my stomach.
She got on top of me and started repeatedly stabbing me in the neck. After the 6th stab I took my last final breath.

Back at the house

Sullyoon pulled up to the house in Yoon's car with Y/n's dead corpse in the backseat.

Once she parked the car she got out the car and was met with the other six girls on the porch, smiling evil looking better than ever no longer wounded.

"We won girls. Another successful ritual."



                                         The End👹

Hope you guys enjoyed!! Support my book "Guilty" Nmixx/Itzy

Hope you guys enjoyed!! Support my book "Guilty" Nmixx/Itzy

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