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"Tell me about her."

Reiner leans back, closing his eyes. Like this, he can see her again almost as if it's the first time. Early memories of her start to flash, but he wills himself to slow down so that he can savor those moments one more time.

"Let's run away," she says, looking up at him through dark eyelashes. Looking at those grey eyes always gave him the same thought: that grey may be a color most take for granted, but it truly is a mesmerizing color. Looking for grey in everything is as much an adventure as falling in love with her. Every time, it brings something new to the table, and every time it's something he can't help but welcome warmly.

Reiner smiles down at her, "I'd follow you anywhere, but would you mind if I ask why?"

Peri shrugs, "I don't know. There's not much left for me here, in Paradis. Neither of us really has any reason to go to Marley. And, with everything going on right now, don't you think it would be fun to start fresh? We could get a place in some far away city and start building our life there." She's quiet, but Reiner can easily see the glimmer of stars in her eyes as she imagines the possibilities. "Can't you see it, Rei? Life in the city, home-cooked dinners, no obligations to fight, no obligations to be someone else... just the two of us braving the world together and tip-toe dancing our way through the rest of this? Don't you think we deserve as much?"

"What about Jean, Mikasa, and the others?"

She sighs, "They can come too if they want. But, all I really need is you. It will be hard to leave them if we have to, but it'll be okay. I want to leave this place though, and I don't care where we go or how we get there. I don't care as long as I step foot on new soil with you."

He leans down and presses his lips against her forehead, "When should we leave?"

Peri smiles up at him, "As soon as possible."

Weeks later, they had everything they'd need packed and watched as their friends became nothing more than specs in the distance as they sailed away from the only lives they've ever known. They held hands all the way to their new home, and when they stepped foot on new soil, they did it together. Reiner can still see the hair she'd allowed to grow back out as it finally flowed freely, caught up by the wind and illuminated by the sunlight. She ran ahead, his hand still in hers, and he followed closely. They stayed at an inn or two for a few days until they finally found a run-down house in the heart of the city, much like Peri had wanted but not quite imagined. They set their bags down and Peri sighed, "Well, it's a real fixer-upper, but we've dealt with bigger problems, isn't that right?" She giggled nervously. Reiner only nodded and sat down on the unswept floors. Not long after, Peri found a place beside him, resting her head in his lap. She talked for hours about all the ways they could make their new home better, but all he could think about was making sure he could build her a home of her dreams. It was then he decided he'd do it, no matter what.

Peri found a job, but Reiner made efforts to stay home. He can still sense some of Peri's frustration after long days at work. He can feel her tense shoulders beneath his hands as she sits in a warm bath, trying to decompress from her long days. There were countless nights like that, they lasted for a few years. Peri always seemed tired during those times, so it made sense that at times she'd get frustrated with him too, but he'd been working on something of his own.

He hears the door creak open and slams shut. He walks into the front room to see her shucking off her shoes and he clears his throat. "What do you say about the two of us going out for a picnic?" He asked, wiping his hands on the seat of his pants.

Peri sighs and rubs her feet, "I don't know, Rei. I'm pretty beat. Today at work they had us—"

Reiner cuts her off, insisting. "Come on. It'll be fun and relaxing. I'll even carry you all the way there."

Dances and Ruin// Reiner Braun x OCWhere stories live. Discover now