Intro and A/N please read

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Omg I'm so sorry if you read this. This was the first story I've ever made and it's like so bad. I've like redone the whole thing once before and it's still not that good. I'm sorry in advance if you read this.

Hey guys so this is my first story and I'm kinda just going with ideas that just come to my head. So uh yeah this is an OCxOC story based in the Naruto universe and I hope you like it. There won't be any smut sorry not sorry. :)

This story takes place after the 4th ninja war and all events b4 that are the same. The only things that are changed after the war is, Shikamaru and Naruto are married. But other events everything that happens in Naruto, and Naruto Shippuden is the same. The only thing related to Boruto in this, is that Momoshiki exists. Also bc it's in the future, and I can do whatever I want Konohamaru is hokage after Naruto retired, and him and Shikamaru became sensei.

Also if you're wondering Ash is a bearded dragon with wings, that is a made up creature that only the Akura clan can weild it's power. (Akura is a made up clan too btw)

I'll have music in most of the chapters that I think fits each chapter, so feel free to listen to it as you read. (Just saying there will be a lot of cavetown. I really like his music, and I think it fits in a lot of the chapters. :) I also don't own any of the music.

Cover art made by me :) Rino's on the left, and Julo's on the right.

Disclaimer! I don't own Naruto or any of it's  characters. Only the OCs I created.

Also TW for violence, smoking, self harm, abuse, character death, alcohol, suicide, homophobic slurs, language, and things along the lines of that

I hope you enjoy!

Also Itachi's on the cover for this screen bc why not.

~Z :)

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