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Where did I go wrong !! I really like Ang maybe I love her I don't know I haven't figured that part out yet but I just poured my heart out to her and she just splattered it like paint. I'm quite confused though she said she liked me a lot and what did she mean when she said another person that gets close to me is another person that gets hurt. Does she think she is gonna hurt me I have to do something about this I'm in love with a girl I met two days ago this is insane. But I still have a chance were friends now so that's a start. I don't want to rush her into anything or make her feel uncomfortable but I can't stop thinking about her, I tried to tell her how I feel but that obviously didn't work so the only other option could be jealously?? Maybe I can make her jealous and let her see me with another girl but I think that would hurt her and I don't want to do that and I'm just not that type of guy. Well I'm gonna go text her now and ask her how she is. I notice something strange about Ang today as she was walking up the hill it caught my eye that she started getting out of breath and pale is there something she's not telling me or maybe it's nothing probably just asthma or something.

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