Chapter 8

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Jennie kept wandering inside her hospital room, just like there is a void inside her.

She's wearing a sad look until someone just entered her room.

She saw the woman in simple clothes and ran to hug her. The patient felt tears coming out of her eyes.

"Jennie," Until she is brought back to reality by the voice she's been craving to see.

Her girlfriend.

"Jisoo," Jennie mumbled as she saw the woman in expensive clothes come and hugged her.

It doesn't feel the same with the woman in her dreams or the woman she just had a vision of.

Jennie closed her eyes and just brushed it off and thought that maybe it is just the effect of her accident.

"Jen!" the patient opened her eyes to see chewy with her annoying girlfriend.

"Chewy!" Jennie walked to her and gave her a big hug and rolled her eyes on Sana. Of course, she doesn't remember everything about her past two years.

"We've been worried and looking for you but we can't just find you," Chewy said as Jennie looked at Sana who have her look of longing.

"I'm glad you're fine, Jennie," Sana smiled as Jennie rolled her eyes.

'The bitch Jennie is back' Sana internally chuckled.

However, for some reason, Jennie doesn't feel like fighting anyone. So she just ignored Sana.

Jennie hated everyone except her friends and her family. She is a spoiled brat and only gets along with people she likes and the reason why she doesn't like Sana is that she feels like Sana is taking Chewy away from her. She is a little bit possessive when it comes to her friends.

Little did Jennie know that she herself took Sana away from Chewy. Because for two years Sana spends more of her time with Lisa, Chaeyoung, and Jennie than her girlfriend.

And Sana become so close with Jennie that she never expected. They had their moments, ups, and downs and they are like sisters that you cannot separate. Sana has also grown a soft spot for Jennie.

'I really hate this bitch Jennie. I don't want you to remember us so it won't cause trouble, but I'm somehow hoping that you can remember us,' Sana thought while looking at Jennie who is clinging with her girlfriend. 'I miss you already Jen. Even if it's impossible, I'm hoping that your heart will prove that you really loved Chaeyoung,'

'If you really loved her, let your heart remember Chaeyoung'

'I hope you wouldn't hate us when you remember'

"I know I'm beautiful but can you please stop staring at me," Jennie groans at Sana.

"Still high and mighty huh," Sana smirked.

"Sana," Chewy glared at her girlfriend.

"What? I'm just stating the fact? It's been two years but she is still the same," Sana mockingly said but she didn't mean it. She just likes to mess with Jennie, she missed provoking the arrogant Kim Jennie. She needs to do it because she missed her so much that she wants to hug her.

Sana got so lucky to have this chance to be with Jennie. She feels pity for Chaeyoung because she cannot have this chance.

It is partly good and bad on Sana's side because she also wants to move on faster, just like what Lisa and Chaeyoung are doing right now.

"Can we talk outside?" Chewy seriously said as Sana nodded and followed her girlfriend outside.

"Tzuyu! Sana!" the couple saw Irene, Nayeon, and Dahyun.

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