Chapter 14

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"Chaeyoung, you're the only one who can really understand me," Jisoo drank the coffee Chaeyoung have prepared for her. Its been a long year since Jisoo entered Chaeyoung's house where both of them created memories.

Those Ups and downs that they have shared together and those stories about their family and friends. Except for love, they never talked about love and liking someone because Chaeyoung doesn't like to talk about that and Jisoo knows that it may offend Chaeyoung.

About friends, Chaeyoung and Jisoo love to tell stories about their friends by just using pet names. This is the weird part of their friendship because they never really know the real names of each other's friends because they love to make it interesting by using pet names.

"I know, but Jisoo, I can't be friends with you anymore," Chaeyoung softly said.

"Why? I'm already with someone. I'm already in love with someone else," Jisoo pursed her lips.

"That's not my point Jisoo," Chaeyoung sat down in front of her ex-best friend.

'I just can't face you after what I did to Jennie' Chaeyoung thought. She can't say that.

"Then what Chaeyoung?" Jisoo took Chaeyoung's hand as she had always done since they were kids.

"You are well aware how much you are making me vulnerable, Jisoo. You know I'm still building my walls," the Blonde woman looked down.

"Why do you even have to build your walls Chaeyoungri? Live your life, pain is part of our life and what you are doing is keep running away from the reality that this is how life works," Jisoo sincerely said.

"Jisoo, because if I did not, do you think I will leave you? It's not easy to see the only person who gets to see you inside destroying herself because I cannot love you back,"

"If I did not have those walls, then you wouldn't be able to find that person who you truly love. Do you get me, Jisoo?" Jisoo nodded.

"I did this for both of us because while seeing you like that, I'm also slowly breaking my wall. I love you, you know how much I love you. You are the only person who gets to see me behind those walls. I just don't love you that same way you do,"

"And it's hurting me to see you like that and it started to affect my routines, I can't focus, I can't function," Chaeyoung shed another tear.

"I know Chaeyoung, that's already in the past. Can we start over?" Jisoo asked.

"Jisoo," Chaeyoung sighed.


"Okay, but can you wait a little bit?" Chaeyoung removed her hands away from Jisoo as she feels her hand starting to shake again like how it is every time Chaeyoung is coming out from the virtual reality game.

"Don't tell me you're going back to that Virtual Reality again?!" Jisoo groans.

"Do you think I have a choice?" Chaeyoung coldly said.

"What? Oh my god, Chaeyoung. Don't fucking tell me?! He's making you do it regularly?!" Jisoo balled her fist. "I will kill him!"

"I volunteered Jisoo. After I left you. I have to do it because I almost ran back to you," Chaeyoung seriously said. "But I stopped when I met her,"

It is after a year of kidnapping that Chaeyoung saw her grandfather having a photo with the scientist that kidnapped Chaeyoung. She is already 11 years old when she discovered that her grandfather is behind the kidnapping and she told Jisoo about it. Chaeyoung's grandfather explained everything to Chaeyoung and make her understand why he is doing it.

His Grandfather just wants to protect Chaeyoung from possible pain. He wants to make Chaeyoung strong emotionally and mentally, just in case, other people will use the person she cares about against her. He thought Chaeyoung to think smart and act smart in a very difficult situation. Other than that, the virtual reality game can also help her cope up immediately just in case the people she cares about leave her.

They know that the pain will always be there but it is a help for Chaeyoung to keep rational during the hard situations. It is also for her to be able to hide her vulnerability. It is for Chaeyoung, so bad people cannot use anything to bring her down.

"Why can't you do that now?" Jisoo pouted. "Why can't you just stop?" Even if it is a big help to Chaeyoung's future, Jisoo knows how horrible it impacted Chaeyoung when they were young because she is just a kid and so sensitive for all those visions they made her see and activities they made her do.

"Oh gosh, you're stubborn Jisoo," Chaeyoung whined. "You've never changed," the blonde knows that she's wasting her VR training for doing all of this. Maybe because she is naturally a forgiving and warm person behind those cold appearance despite how her grandfather fed her mind.

"You're the only person who gets to see the real me too, Chaengie. You are the only person who understands me," she giggled.

"That's because we grew up together, Jisoo, like literally." Chaeyoung chuckled.

"So?" She raised her eyebrow. "Friends?"

"Okay fine. Just keep it low like before," Chaeyoung rolled her eyes.

The two best friends spent the day catching up with each other. Jisoo hasn't told Chaeyoung that she is already engaged but in love with someone else because love is not their kind of topic.

"Are we really going to hide each other until we die?" Jisoo chuckled.

"Hmm, let's talk about that next time. It's already dark, you have to go home," Chaeyoung playfully pushed Jisoo out of her house.

What a good day.

Jisoo left Chaeyoung's home happy and went to her home just to see a fuming Jennie in her living room.

"What are you doing here, Babe?", Jisoo widely smile forgetting that they just fought earlier because Chaeyoung already changed her mood. Chaeyoung is always her mood neutralizer.

"You came back from her, did you? you met her again did you?" Jennie madly said. Jennie knows that she is mad. She is so jealous but not as jealous as before, however, she knows that she is surely mad because why isn't she as jealous as before.

"Does it matter Jennie? at least I got my best friend back to me," Jisoo sarcastically said which hurt Jennie. Okay, she is not jealous because Jisoo is her fiance but she is jealous because Jisoo sees someone else as her best friend and Jennie doesn't have any fucking idea who is the woman.

"I'm your best friend Jisoo!"

"Of course, you are my best friend too! Can we stop fighting Jennie, I'm so tired,"

"Did you fuck her?" Jennie chuckled.


"You did, did you?! Are you cheating on me?"

"What the hell Jennie?! I did not! I already told you, I'm not in love with her anymore!"

"But do you still love her?" Jennie nervously asked.

"Jen, I will always love her," Jisoo said. "But I'm not in love with her anymore, please, I'm so tired of this,"

"I'm marrying you didn't I?" Jisoo said, now she understands how it feels like to force yourself to someone you are not in love with.

'will I become just like Jennie if Chaeyoung chose to stay with me?' Jisoo thought.

It's too late to cancel the wedding because it is already announced worldwide and canceling the wedding can affect their reputation, especially Jennie. Kim's loves their reputation.

However, at this moment, all Jisoo can think is Jennie, because she's so stupid trying to prove her nonsense point.

'Nayeon is right, Chaeyoung is right.'

"Look Jisoo, End everything with that girl because I'm not letting you go," Jennie said and gave her a peck on her lips.

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