Chapter 15

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"I'm still in love with her right? I will not be this mad if I'm not anymore?" That is the only thing that is on Jennie's mind since she left Jisoo's house.

"Even so, the Jennie Kim is finally getting married." She sighed, "At least I know that I love her. I always will,"

She is thinking deep why Jisoo's first love came back. why now when their marriage is already announced in public. Jennie knows that since they were kids, she can never win against Jisoo's first love and it is the pain that Jennie has to endure growing up.

Jennie has been loved by everyone but cannot be loved by the person she loves, the same she does.

She is not feeling good about the sudden return of Jisoo's first love and it is making her think a lot of things that are making her forget about the mystery of her accident.

However, she gets this random vision of Roseanne Park during their last meeting and she has this feeling that she wants to know more about Roseanne. She never had this kind of connection and attraction before, not even with Jisoo. Jennie cannot just take Roseanne out of her head and it's driving her crazy.

Jennie went out in disguise to take her mind off but she doesn't really know where to go. So, she just let her feet take her wherever she feels to go.

"Hey, Ms. Park!" Jennie was stunned when she saw Roseanne sipping a coffee in the corner of JC Coffee store.

"Oh, Ms. Kim I didn't expect you to go with my suggested coffee," Chaeyoung smirked.

"Of course Ms. Park! You never fail to impress people with your choices. This coffee shop looks like home. Is the other seat occupied?", Jen smiled as Chaeyoung shake her head.

"Why are you in the corner Ms. Park?"

"I don't like the crowd," Chaeyoung mumbled as she remembers that Jennie also asked the same question when they first met. Where everything started. Chaeyoung cannot stop thinking of how Jennie's lips moved with hers and how Jennie pushed her in bed and did it together that night.

"Am I disturbing you?"

"No. I was, I'm just about to go," Chaeyoung wants to stay but Jisoo is evading her mind. She can't take someone that can make Jisoo finally happy after her.

"Aish, she did not even say 'hey you can drop the formality, you can call me Roseanne' that woman. she is so full of herself it's annoying! does she think I will bug her about the proposal?" Jennie ranted while watching Chaeyoung walk out of the store.

Jennie sat down where Chaeyoung just sat. She ordered her new favorite that she is not aware that it is her special roasted coffee bean that she and Chaeyoung's favorite when they are still in the countryside.

The brunette is enjoying her coffee until she saw her best friend Dahyun and her best friend's ex Sana sitting in the other corner. She is mad because why is Sana meeting Dahyun, but what shocked her is when Sana pulled Dahyun for a kiss but Dahyun slapped her.

Jennie is about to shout and slap Sana too but she got startled when someone just covered her mouth.

"Ms. Park," Jennie mumbled.

"Shh," Chaeyoung pulled Jennie and made her face the other side so that Sana and Dahyun won't see them.

Chaeyoung got all worried when she saw Sana with Dahyun entering JC Coffee store because she remembered that Jennie is there and Chaeyoung knows that Jennie can cause trouble because of what she can possibly see.

Jennie is a public image, Chaeyoung cares about Jennie so much that she can't afford Jen's scandal all over the media. From how Sana described the old Jennie, Chaeyoung understands how can Jennie react.

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