Chapter 11

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"No," Chaeyoung said.

"I.. don't mind me, I'm just being weird lately and I think we've met before,"

"maybe you've mistaken me for someone else." Chaeyoung lightened up, dropping her cold appearance.

"Oh, maybe," the brunette smiled which she never did with any of her workmates.

"I have to go now, Ms. Kim", Chaeyoung bowed and was about to go out when the brunette gripped her wrist.

"Ms. Park, do you want to have some coffee with me?" Jennie nervously said. This is unusual! She never invited anyone for a coffee before! Like everyone knows, Jennie hates coffee! However, she is like being controlled and she doesn't know how to stop herself.

"It doesn't change anything, Ms. Kim" Chaeyoung said.

"ugh, whatever," Jennie groans forgetting that she's talking to a Park.

"I'll leave you now!" But before Jennie can leave the elegant woman spoke.

"You should try Chaennie Coffee in the JC Coffee store," Chaeyoung said as she see Jennie roll her eyes and leave the Meeting room.

'I missed you' Chaeyoung smiled.


"That Park Roseanne!! Argh!!" Jennie shouted inside her room.

She hates how Roseanne rejected her coffee invitation. she hates how Roseanne looked down on their company.

"I see, Jennie found her match," Irene Whispered on Tzuyu, Nayeon, and Dahyun.

"It's the first time that Kimtech got rejected," Tzuyu said.

"Do you think, Sana has something to do with it?" Irene said.

"Why?" Nay asked. "From what I've heard, Park's are really strict with business. Why would you think Sana has something to do with it?"

"I saw Sana hug Park Roseanne at the lobby and she ride Sana's car," Irene said.

"Sana has never mentioned the PCY to me," Chewy said.

"Did Sana find a new girlfriend? you just broke up!" Nayeon groans.

"I don't think Sana will go this far just to get back on Jennie," Dahyun said.

"Well, let's stop assuming," Irene said. "I'll leave you now! I still have to fix Jennie and Jisoo's papers for the upcoming wedding!"

It's been days but Jennie cannot remove the elegant woman's image inside her head. Chaeyoung intrigues her that she wants to know more about the woman behind the success of Park.

It's the first time that Park Roseanne showed her appearance and it is only for the Kim's, they considered themselves lucky but rejecting their proposal lit a fire on Jennie.

"I hate to say this, but can you please drink the tea I give you! If you will not drink it at least tell me what you want," Irene said in frustration.

'I want to know what's happening to me' Jennie thought.

"Buy me Chaennie coffee in the JC coffee store," Jennie said as she remembers what the elegant woman suggested to her.

"JC coffee store?! the coffee shop that became famous for 24 hours?!" Irene widens her eyes. That's right, JC coffee shop won the people's heart that Even Irene went to fall in line just to taste the famous countryside coffee.

Irene raised her eyebrows because how did Jennie know that coffee store when her boss is a big hater of coffee.

"Someone suggested it to me, so go, get me my order, maybe trying coffee isn't bad" Jennie rolled her eyes as Rene showed her big smile and ran to get the coffee.

She is so happy that Jennie is now trying coffee and not disrespecting it because Irene is a big fan of coffee.

As Irene entered the JC Coffee store, the smell immediately made her feel like heaven.

"Chaennie coffee please," Irene ordered but the crew just raised his eyebrow.

"It's not on the menu," he said.

"Oh, but that's what my boss said," Irene is embarrassed, but Jennie said that someone suggested that to her. What even Jennie know about coffee?! maybe they pranked Jennie.

The guy who has a nameplate of V, just left and came back apologizing to Irene, "Wait for the order Ma'am. I will serve you Chaennie Coffee!" he bowed

"Wait, you told me that it's not on the menu?" Irene said.

"Oh, yes, it's not on the menu but it is a special order. Only a few people know it," V winked.

"Really?! Get me one too," Irene cheered. She thought the person who suggested the special menu to Jennie must be a big person or have a special connection with the JC Coffee store.

The secretary went back to Kim tech cheerfully and give her ordered coffee to her boss.

'the smell,' Jennie thought as she feels her heart beating fast.

Irene left Jennie alone to go back to her work and loved the coffee. it's the best coffee she ever tasted.

the secretary entered Jennie's office surprisingly saw the cup of coffee empty.

"Wow!" Irene said.


"You drank the coffee!! It taste good right?!", the secretary said as her boss looked at her like she's empty inside.

"Are you okay Jen?" she worriedly asked.

"Yes, just leave me alone," Jen said.

"Babe," Jisoo entered Jennie's office and pressed her lips against her girlfriend.

"Since when are you drinking coffee?" Jisoo asked as she saw the cup of coffee on Jennie's table.

"Since today, I'm just trying it," Jennie stood up and pulled Jisoo.

"Where are we going Jen?" the brunette hates how the Chaennie coffee is making her alive and she is confused that she needs to get out.

"Let's eat outside," Jennie sweetly said, they've entered a luxurious restaurant, and Chaeyoung groans when she saw Jennie again. It is like destiny is playing with them.

"Ugh! Why Ms. Park is everywhere," Jennie irritably said while Jisoo looked at the other table to see Roseanne Park.

"Why? Have you met her?" Jisoo weirdly asked.

"We tried to partner with them but she just did not listen to the presentation and rejected us just like that. She did not even give us chance," Jennie said. "Gosh, I'm here to relax not to get irritated,"

"I thought Park Roseanne is hiding her identity? why did she showed up?" Jisoo asked.

"I also don't know, Jisoo and I don't care,"

"Is that Sana?" Jisoo widen her eyes when she saw Sana sitting in front of Chaeyoung. "Are they dating?"

Jennie doesn't know why she suddenly feels a pang in her heart. "Aish, that snake, Chewy just broke up with her,"

"That's Jisoo, Jennie's girlfriend, do you still want to stay here?" Sana asked Chaeyoung as both of them looked at the table where Jennie is sitting.

"Yeah, I don't care anymore," Chaeyoung suddenly feel guilty of her action before.

"No, let's go," Sana madly said when she saw that Jennie and Jisoo are kissing. 

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