Chapter 9

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Jennie went back to her normal life. Going back to work and acting like a bitch. That's who she really is.

She acts tough and bossy because if she did not, people will take advantage of her. at least that's what life taught her.

She also did not have a vision just like in the hospital anymore, so she immediately forgot about that woman in simple clothes in her dreams.

"Jennie!" the brunette saw Nayeon walking to her.

"Hey, why are you here?" Jennie raised her eyebrow.

"I worked here for two years now, Jennie,"

Of course, the brunette keeps forgetting that she's been in a coma for two years, but it doesn't feel real. She always feels like there is something more.

"Babe," Jisoo walked in to her office with a flower and gave her a peck on her lips. "I missed you so much, Jen,"

"We've been together for weeks now, Soo," Jennie giggled. Everything is back. Her feelings for Chaeyoung remain hidden as she couldn't remember her.

"Still! I lost you for two years, Jen. I just couldn't be away from you anymore," Jisoo pouted as Irene came inside that made Jennie irritated because she hates many people inside her office.

Irene has been Jennie's secretary and losing her best friend and boss has also been hard for her. She thought she lost Jennie and it's making all of them crazy.

Even if Jennie is not the best Unnie, she is still loved by everyone.

"We thought you were kidnapped, we are so crazy waiting for a call but that didn't came. We searched everywhere, but you just disappeared.," Irene sighed.

"We also looked at the record on flights but your name is never on board," she added.

"We did not expect you to be on that countryside. We should have looked more,"

"Tsk! It's fine! I'm here now," Jennie chuckled. "Now, get the fuck out of my office because I have to work!" she yelled going back to her bitch mode.

"Even me?" Jisoo sighed hoping that Jennie want her to stay but no.

"I want to be alone for now," Jennie apologetically smiled on her girlfriend.

She is like this with everyone except when she's with Lisa, Sana and Chaeyoung for two years. Chaeyoung has been helping her improve her attitude without her knowing.

Everyone left the office except Irene because it's time for them to work.

"Do you want some tea?" Irene said.

"No, the usual," Jennie said unconciously while reviewing some files.

"What usual Jen?"

"Of course my favourite, coffee," Jennie chuckled as she raised her head to see confused Irene.

the boss cleared her throat and looked at Irene weirdly. "What?"

"You don't drink coffee, Jen," Irene said.

"Did I say coffee? yeah, I hate coffee. That's sarcasm rene!" Jen rolled her eyes, "Now get my tea!" she yelled.

As Irene went out the office, Jennie sighed. "What is that Jennie?" she asked herself.

"What's wrong with me?"

After a minute Irene came in with the tea that Jennie usually drink.

"Here's your favorite boss," She said and left the office imemdiately because she cannot deal with Jennie's mood swing.

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