Chapter 16

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"Chaeyoung will kill me," Lisa mumbled as she park the car at JC's coffee store. Chaeyoung hates late people and it is the very first-time Lisa will be late for their meeting. Well, Lisa can be late sometimes but that is when Chaeyoung is not around and luckily the timing is right, but today is not.

Lisa rushed out, unfortunately, she bumped into someone. It's like the time stopped when the two women looked at each other's eyes. Lisa also slips on her mind that Chaeyoung is waiting.

"I'm sorry," Lisa said.

"Hm, It's fine," the other woman blushed.

"I'm Lisa, are you going to take a drink too?" Lisa internally panic, of course, it is a coffee shop, what will she do in a coffee shop other than drinking a coffee? but other people do meetings at the coffee shops but yeah! they have to buy a drink!

"I'm Irene, and yeah, but no," Irene rambled which made Lisa confused.

"My boss is here, I need to get her," Irene added.

"Oh, my boss is also here. Ugh, actually I'm late now, she will kill me, Aish!" Lisa groaned, she wants to entertain the beautiful woman more but Chaeyoung, Chaeyoung will surely kill her.

"I have to go, Irene-shi. Nice meeting you," Lisa bowed and was about to enter the Coffee shop when they saw cold Chaeyoung pulling the Sana with puffy eyes.

"Yah, What happened," Lisa walked to Sana and hugged her which made Irene get confused. "I'm sorry I'm late boss, what happened,"

'Park Roseanne is her boss?!' Irene internally yelled.

"Give me the car key Lisa," Chaeyoung said as Lisa nervously gave the key. Chaeyoung guided Sana to the car and looked at Lisa and Irene.

"Since you are late, you will take a cab home," Chaeyoung said and turn around.

"What? I don't have money with me!" Lisa yelled forgetting that Irene is still there. "What the fuck?"

"Then you walk home," Chaeyoung smirked and drove the car fast leaving Lisa mad.

"I can take you home, if you want. But can you wait for me? I will just send my boss home," Irene pursed her lips and now Lisa remembers that Irene is there.

"Gosh," Lisa facepalm. "It's fine I can walk home. I don't want to disturb anyone. I'm expecting like this to happened tho. Ms. Park really doesn't tolerate tardiness, even if it's my first time to be late,"

Chaeyoung doesn't really like to leave Lisa, but while the elegant woman is pulling Sana, she saw how Lisa and Irene are looking at each other, the pink blush is visible on their face. Love is not Chaeyoung's expertise but she is well aware of what is happening.

And as a punishment, she left Lisa. Maybe it is not a punishment at all.

"I'm sorry," Irene said.

"Nah, It's fine. You will not kidnap me right? is your offer still available?" Lisa shyly said.

"Of course, let's go inside. I really like this Coffee shop even if it just opened. You know, there become famous overnight," Irene shared as they enter the shop.

Lisa froze when she saw Jennie and Dahyun inside, 'Oh that's why Sana is crying,' Lisa suddenly wants to go home because she knows that Sana needs her too.

While Irene got worried and ran to crying dahyun, "Why people are crying? what happened?" Irene asked.

"Oh, she's Jennie's secretary," Lisa groans as she walks to them.

"We will explain when we are complete," Jennie said. "And who are you?" she rolled her eyes.

'Sana is right. Jennie is a bitch' Lisa thought.

"I'm Park's secretary. Uhm I," Lisa doesn't really know what to say because she misses Jennie which is making her speechless.

"Her boss left her for being late," Irene said that made Jennie laugh. "Ms. Park took the car and she kind of, uhm she doesn't have money with her, so she has to walk home. Can we take her? I will take her home later,"

"Gosh, she's so hard on people, is she?" Jennie amused, "Since you already have a bad boss, I will not be hard on you," the brunette doesn't really like the idea but at some reason, Lisa is making her comfortable and she doesn't really know why she feels bad until she saw how blushing Irene and Lisa is.

Maybe Jennie understands why Ms. Park left her secretary with Irene.

Lisa did not have to wait in the coffee shop as she is lucky enough to ride in the car with Jennie.

"So, Lisa, does your boss always do that to you?" Jennie asked as Dahyun is now fine.

"Not really. It's the first time because I'm late, It's my first time to be late but Ms. Park did not let it slide," Lisa groaned.

"You call her Ms. Park? not Ms. Roseanne? like 'hey since you are my secretary you can do first name basis' Nothing like that?" Jennie curiously asked.

"Oh, I call her Roseanne sometimes," Lisa said, 'But mostly I call her Chaeyoung, I only call her Ms. Park in public,' she thought.

"I see. Is she in a relationship?" Jennie asked which made all of them choke.

"Why are you even asking, Jennie?" Irene said. "You never give a fuck about other people's relationship,"

"Cause she's so hard on people. She looks cold and I think people like her will end up being alone," Jennie said that made Lisa internally laugh.

"Are you interested to apply to be her girlfriend Ms. Kim?" Lisa teased.

Jennie immediately looked away so they will not notice her pink cheeks. 'well she's beautiful and attractive,'

"No! I'm already engaged," Jennie said that made Lisa freeze.

"You're engaged, Ms. Kim?!"

"Why are you yelling?"

"I.. I'm just surprised Ms. Kim," Lisa sighed.

"Why? It's all over the news," Irene said.

"Oh, we only watch business news," Lisa reasoned out.

"But many business people are talking about it," Dahyun finally spoke because Jennie, Irene, and Dahyun are curious why Lisa doesn't have an idea.

"We cannot really talk relationships inside the office," Lisa said. "And it doesn't also interest me,"

"Your company is so serious, huh," Irene said.

"Not really, but maybe yes," Lisa chuckled. "We just don't gossip,"

"We can bring Lisa home first," Jennie said as Irene sighed because she wants to spend more time with Lisa.

Lisa agreed even she also wants to stay with Irene, but she wants to see Sana. Lisa and Sana actually live together, but they also have a room for Chaeyoung but mostly they all sleep in one bedroom because they prefer it.

"You can stop the car here," Lisa said.

"But your house is still far," Irene said according to what she saw in the GPS.

"I can walk from here, don't worry," Lisa said as the car stopped a few blocks from her house.

"Thank you Jennie, Dahyun, and Irene, It's nice talking to you. Maybe I can repay you some other time," Lisa said as she bid her goodbye.

"Let's park there and wait for her to enter her house, it's already dark, let's make sure she's safe," Irene said and everyone agreed.

The three of them froze when they saw Chaeyoung and Sana outside. Sana ran to hug Lisa while Chaeyoung elegantly walked and wrapped a jacket around Lisa.

"You really walked?" Chaeyoung worriedly asked.

"I did not, Irene gave a ride, hmm with Jennie and Dahyun," Lisa said, "But you fucking left me!" Lisa playfully bumped Chaeyoung.

"You deserve it," Chaeyoung stuck her tongue out.

"Interesting," Jennie smiled while watching Chaeyoung running away from fuming Lisa.

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