Chapter 22

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Chaeyoung was eleven years old when Jisoo got sick while she was having a sleepover with Chaeyoung. If you are wondering about Jisoo's parents, they know about their daughter having a new friend but they never met the girl.

As a parent of eleven years old they tend to get worried however, they trusted Jisoo's so much to let their daughter be with that friend she keeps telling that needed her.

If there is someone that the KimJ's are trusting, it is Dr. Park, he stands as Chaeyoung's guardian to the public because they cannot reveal that she is related to the Park.

"Stop sulking Jisoo, Dr. Park already told you that you cannot go out," Chaeyoung sighed while checking her best friend's temperature

Chaeyoung heaved and saw Jisoo's phone with a lot of miscalls from a woman named Nini. Young Chaeyoung saw the picture of a woman in the contact who looks like a mandu.

"I wish you're here," Chaeyoung read the message that popped up on the screen. "It's my first birthday without you,"

"Jisoo, must be so important for this woman" Young Chaeyoung looked at young Jisoo sulking in her bed.

"Aish," Chaeyoung shook her head and took her thickest jacket and took her cap that is similar to Jisoo and wore a mask and sunglasses.

"You'll pay for this Jisoo," Chaeyoung hissed and took her favorite fish key chain and remembered the address that Jisoo keep telling her when she was with her other friend.

Chaeyoung is doing this because Jisoo has already done a lot for the young elegant woman, and she thought pretending to be Jisoo wouldn't hurt just to make her other friend happy.

Chaeyoung arrived at the address and she saw the young woman who looks like a mandu, "What's her name again? Aish!"

"mandu!" Young Chaeyoung half yelled and pulled Young Jennie.

"mandu? Jisoo is that you?" Jennie said. "Why are you fully covered?"

"Yes, I'm sick and cold," Young Chaeyoung said. "I don't want you to see my eye bags," she faked coughed

"Yeah, your voice changed too," Jen pouted."Then why are you here!"

"It's your birthday! I can't miss your birthday, mandu," Chaeyoung internally slapped herself. She didn't care enough to remember the woman's name.

"Why are you calling me mandu? I liked it tho," Young Jennie giggled. Chaeyoung played games with Jennie just like how Jisoo played with her. She couldn't deny that she is also enjoying playing with Young Jennie.

'She makes me feel calm and comfortable,' Young Chaeyoung thought and just enjoyed the day with the birthday girl.

'I don't have a gift,' Young Chaeyoung internally groans as she remembers her favorite key chain.

"Happy Birthday Mandu! hmm, take this gift," Young Chaeyoung said.

"Fish key chain?" Jen raised her eyebrows as the other woman nodded.

"Dance with me?" the birthday girl nodded and danced with young Chaeyoung and enjoy their tKime together.

"I hope I made you happy," Chaeyoung sweetly said to Jennie before she left. After that Chaeyoung didn't meet Jennie again because of her internal issues.


Jennie woke up but fortunately not in the hospital but in her bedroom in her house.

"Where's my wife?" Those were the first words that came out of Jennie's mouth.

"You remembered?" Irene said as everyone is happy to hear Jennie wake up.

"Oh," Jennie massaged her temple and tried to think until she remembers their fight in the airport, "Yes, I remember everything now,"

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