shouldn't have, sunshine

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this was inspired by my body wash which is called sunshine something or another idk
I shouldn't have done it.

I shouldn't have fallen for the boy who went for the chair on my right to sit.

But I did, I fell in love with you so soon.

I've always felt like you were the sun, and I was the moon.

I was elusive, dark, unfriendly; you were warm, open, bright. Total opposites, right?

My heart still fell captive to you, of course. But I don't feel any remorse.

But I shouldn't have watched you lather yourself with sunshine scents, bask in light rays.

Shouldn't have let your kisses wash over me, leaving me in a daze.

But I did, and now all the days are ruined, because I only think of you, the sun to my moon.

The ball of light that follows me around, never leaving, because you are the song to my tune.

The stormy days are better, since they cover your beauty, but it reminds me of the fights.

And that's why I only like nights.

But I can smell flowers and sunshine still embedded into my flannels and sheets, and I know you'll never leave me.

God, why couldn't you just let me go free?

I guess I'll forever be unhappy under sunny skies, never letting you go.

I need you back Luke, that's something we both know.

You were this golden light of happiness, blue skies to my grey mood. You made me less crude.

Now that happy sun has set, and I've returned to being the moon, the night. And my unhappiness is giving my mum fright.

But until I can grasp my sunshine again, let it stop rotating away from my passion, only then will I be able to appreciate the days.

I shouldn't have fallen for you, since you've left me in such a craze.

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