it always will be you

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oh boy. it's been a long time since I've written one of these babies. let's see if I can still do it...
I remember.

I remember the first time you saw snow, blue eyes lighting up at the sight of snowflakes, in late December.

Remember that time in 2nd grade where you broke your favorite crayon, the weird dark pink one that is rarely used by most, and cried. I helped fix your sadness with a push on the swings, all it took was one playground ride.

I can picture you in 4th grade, so nervous for that multiplication test. Once we'd all taken it, I held your sweaty hand, and you told me that I was the best.

In middle school, you wanted me to stop playing football, because you felt alone, and that made me sad. So I just kicked the ball around with you, laughing when your kicks were off and bad.

Freshman year, your blue eyes got even more blue, out of sadness. You told me you felt worthless.

I said, "Lukey, you mean the world to me. Your smile is my sun, and your eyes are my sea."

It got better, and that summer you told me you finally felt free.

Senior year, and you were fearful. But I hugged you and accepted you, and if anyone did otherwise, I would call them out on their bull.

It was college, and now I was scared. But you cared for me and talked it out, to react any other way, you wouldn't have dared.

I remember you losing faith at 25, freshly dumped, and crying about never finding the one. I ignore my feelings and hold you, watching the rise of the sun.

At 26, I kissed you, and you didn't pull away. I was so breathless, neither of us had any words to say.

We were both 27, boyfriends of one year. Greeted by my sister, and upon seeing you, my mum let out a cheer.

"I'm glad it was you Luke," She had whispered in your ear. And I'm glad too, dear.

We move in together at 28. It all feels like fate. I tell you I love you, that night, after our celebratory date.

And at age 30, I finally got down on one knee. I had never wanted anything more in my whole life, because since day one, at the end of the aisle, it was only you that I could see.

Now here we are, on our wedding day. I want to promise you the world, Luke, I want to love you always, in every way.

And without further delay, with these vows, you are mine forever and to stay.
I forgot how fun these were man

maybe more in the future if I get all my shit together first

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