a poem for luke hemmings

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I didn't know where else to post this. Sorry if you disagree, but I'm not going to hold my opinions back. Do me a favor and not try to lecture me on why I'm wrong? You can believe what you want, tell me your reasons, but I think this is wrong and outrageous. Yes, I still love Luke and 5SOS, but hear me out:

Dear Luke Hemmings,

You started small.
You started by making simple cover videos, hoping they'd be seen by all.
Then somehow people with the same start, same method of rising to stardom, have no purpose.
No purpose of being at award shows, they are meaningless.

You've got a girl, they've made that clear.
She's profits off posting, apparently, somehow, and has a 'trust fund' in fear.
In fear that this internet thing won't work out...but didn't it for you?
If your girl's an internet sensation, just as you were, then don't those other internet stars deserve to be there too?

And you're saying you get multiple girls a night.
How is your girlfriend not living in fright?
Because if the 'possibilities are endless' then my fear would be as well.
Does your girl have a trust fund in you; because with all those threesomes you've claimed to have, your relationship must be hell.

But she still loves you.
Somehow I do too.
But you can't stop seeing me, or the rest of those girls who would take a bullet for you in a heartbeat, as something you can toss away.
I am more than just a piece of garbage for you to fuck, I am worth more than someone who doesn't give a fuck unless we're fucking, and despite your words, I'll still stay.

Unless you can't grow up and apologize.
I'll give you my trust fund, if you could just tell me what's the truth and what's lies.


Thanks for listening. Sorry if you hate me for my opinion, but I'd really appreciate it if you'd respect it. And don't let anyone try to sway your views, own them. Stay strong.

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