i miss you

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Bc it's 2 am and I'm sad. Sad music is really helpful for this sort of thing. Also, yeah this is a thing, bc why not?


I can't believe you're gone.

Maybe everything was just wrong.

You made sure I knew that I wasn't the problem, that it was all you.

But even though you made me feel like a flower in full bloom, I don't think that's true.

Why you left was because of me. Something about me made you want to flee.

You said you were too troubled for me to bother with. And-oh God, I just miss your fucking quiff.

I don't care about how much pain I have to go through, I just want you.

You were my light, practically an angel. And now that you're gone, this sadness I must strangle.

I hope you can see my thoughts, although I do not know where they've wandered. All night that's what I've pondered.

Where've you gone, I haven't a clue. All I know is that you've got me feeling blue.

Blue, like your eyes. Maybe you'd return if you could hear my sad, soft cries.

Make it back to me, please. For it is your hand I want to seize.

On this note I leave you tears, the marks of my worst fears.

I miss you, Luke. No matter the pain, the rebuke,

I still love you.


Sorry this first one is a bit sad. I'm working on a really cute one rn!! (Also idk if this is technically poetry or not but idc I'm gonna call it poetry)

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