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It took Newt plenty of tries to get Asterin out and show her around the glade, to which she finally agreed.

After 15 minutes.

The fire sparks flew in the cold fresh air as Newt and Asterin walked around chatting about random things coming into their minds, "and lastly those are the runners, you already met Minho, I suppose?" Nodding she followed the blonde inside the kitchen, where the guy that looked like her stood, cooking with a proud smile on his lips.

"Hey, Fry!" Greeted Newt cheerfully while walking inside, taking a deep breath Asterin followed behind him slightly hiding in embarrassment as Frypan tried to take a look at the girl behind who gulped before pulling her head out from behind Newt, waving awkwardly.

"Damn. Nice to meet you, new girl, I'm Frypan, Fry for short.." Fry shook her hand softly with a welcoming grin, Asterin nodded as a 'thank you' he really talks like her.


Asterin was sitting beside Frypan talking about random stuff, he mostly spoke about his first time in the glade and how he's an amazing cook, Asterin chuckled softly while holding her cup of water, watching as Gally fought a glader, Asterin watched as he grabbed him, throwing him to the ground harshly, a wince left her lips as she didn't want to imagine the pain he must be feeling right now, a sudden idea popped on her mind.

Asterin slid away from the group before slowly making her way back towards the box, looking around to see if anyone noticed her sudden disappearance she lifted the gates before jumping down, gasping slightly as the box jolted a little at the sudden force, rummaging through the boxes one suddenly caught her eyes, it has 'ladies things' spray painted on it in red and 'property of W.C.K.D' in black.

Grabbing the box tightly in her hand Asterin climbed up the boxes and out of the suffocating place skillfully before walking away, "and where do you think you're going?" A voice snapped her out of thoughts as she turned around her fist ready to punch whoever this person was.

It was the guy from this morning, the guy she bit in that strange place she found out was called the 'maze', narrowing her eyes once she caught the sly smirk on his lips, Asterin rolled her eyes before clenching the box tightly in her hands she strolled past him, "none of your business." She replied without a stutter.

Asterin could hear the leaves crushing and the rustling behind her, the footsteps getting closer to her indicating he was following, Minho soon stood in front of her with his arms crossed in front of his chest showing his perfectly shaped muscles, he was inches away from her, only the box separated them.

"What's in the box?" asked Minho once again with his voice low and raspy just above a whisper, Asterin stared straight into his beautiful eyes with a raised eyebrow, "and I said, none of your damn business." The girl snapped back, anger was slowly rising and the way her eyes showed nothing but anger made him smirk, for a second he thought the fire might come out of her eyes and burn him.

"Woah, calm there beautiful, you think I forgot about the bite you gave me this morning, it still hurts." He showed her his bandaged hand, and Asterin didn't know what to do but stand there with ears flushing red in embarrassment, Asterin opened her mouth to apologize but shut it once again.

"If you didn't put your hand on my mouth, I wouldn't have bit you."

Minho's eyes slightly widened and followed the girl watching as she walked away once again leaving him speechless.


Crossing her legs Asterin opened the box while staring at the things in front of her eyes, 5 sportive bras all in dark colors, pads, panties, and a black pocket knife she will use a lot for the coming days, weeks, or probably even years, who knows?

"Where do I hide these?" She muttered under her breath while looking around the room in search of a place where she might hide these things, but nothing. Cussing under her breath a sudden knock snapped her out of thoughts as her breath hitched, not knowing what to say she immediately hid the box under her bed before getting up, the door slammed open and there stood Minho with a sly smirk on his lips before walking inside the room. "So, we're roommates?"

Asterin rolled her eyes at his annoyingly attractive grin before catching her breath, "don't you dare ever think that something will happen between us." She spoke while walking out of the room to have a little walk, Newt suddenly appeared in front of her holding cover for both Asterin and Minho, "Hey! What are you doing out here love? it's late." Newt asked the girl softly watching as she grabbed the covers from him with a soft beautiful smile on her lips.

"Just wanted to have a little walk, but you know what, I'm tired, thanks for the covers Newt!" She said with an awkward grin before walking back towards the room sighing heavily, "oh- okay, uhmm..." Newt trailed off with narrowed eyes, he turned to look at Minho who was already staring at the black-haired girl, both their eyes met. "Did you do something?" Newt spoke with crossed arms in front of his chest as he glared at Minho whose mouth opened in disbelief.

"What? Why are you blaming me?! No I didn't do anything!" Minho rolled his eyes slightly glaring at the second in command before closing the door behind him in front of Newt trying so hard to ignore him, Newt was squinting his eyes at him for 10 seconds it was uncomfortable. "Goodnight Asterin!"

"Night, Newt." The girl whispered back before putting the cover on top of her head trying so hard to ignore Minho's burning ones on her back, "will you stop looking at me, it's annoying!" Turned the girl towards Minho shooting him a warning glare which didn't affect him for one bit.

"You're pretty, how can I not?" Minho leaned against the wall with a smirk, her nose scrunched in disgust at his attempt of flirting, and couldn't help but flip him off, a dramatic gasp left the keeper of the runners lips as his hand flew to his chest, "what did I do?"

"Go take a shower. You stink and I don't want to sleep in a room with you until you take a shower." She snapped back at him in annoyance, and both of them rolled their eyes in unison at each other. Asterin turned around once again with a huff staring at the wall listening as Minho opened the closet and took some clothes in his hands before walking out of the room without a word, 'great, now I'm alone.' She thought while shaking her head in disappointment.

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now