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Frypan was panicking and so does everyone, Winston was vomiting a black liquid and it immediately reminded her of Ben, the boy lied on the ground with tears covering his eyes as he stared up at Asterin who fell to her knees beside and tried to check his wound but stopped as he pushed her hand away.

"I-it's growing..." he stuttered and lifted his shirt showing the black veins and scratches that became black and were bleeding heavily, Asterin almost fell over in shock and her head was hurting and screaming for her to find an idea to save him but nothing came to mind. Everyone froze dead in their spot as soon as he lifted his shirt. "I'm not gonna make it..." he whispered his voice softened as his eyes landed on the gun Frypan was holding shakingly.


Tears welled up in Asterin's dark brown eyes as she grabbed his hand in hers and tried to find a way of saving him, "no- Winston, don't say this, let me find something and you'll be safe-" she cut herself off, realizing that he will not make it and without even noticing it tears raced down her cheeks one after another, "please tell me any of you have an idea- We can't lose him too, not when I already lost Chuck, Alby and-" her hand was shaking against his as she tried to find a way to help the poor boy.

"I don't want to turn into one of those, please..." he begged and it broke her heart, she could feel his fingers cold against her own, same as Chuck's. Newt grabbed the gun from Fry's hold and slowly made his way towards the dying boy, "hey Newt-" Thomas said trying to stop the second in command who ignored him, the blonde placed the gun in his chest and pressed slightly with eyes full of guilt, "thank you, now get outta here."

Asterin sat there holding his hand and before she could even realize what she was doing she wrapped her arms around the boy's neck and slightly yet carefully embraced him one last time, "goodbye, Winston." Both the black haired girl and Newt spoke in unison, Asterin brushing his hair from the back and could feel his hand shakingly resting on her back but immediately slid back down in pain.

The pain was making him weak.

Asterin got up from the ground and stared down at the boy with eyes that were full of pain and sorrow, Winston hated to see her like that, his eyes lolled to the side as he nodded at Minho who was also trying so hard not to breakdown in front of him, "take care of her, go..." with that the keeper if the runners gor up and tried to pull her with him but being stubborn she stood still trying not to sob.

"I'm so sorry..." Thomas whispered with tears covering his eyes as he stepped back and turned to grab his bags the sound of Winston calling out for him stopped him dead in his track, "Take care of them..." with that Thomas left trying so hard not to cry in front of everyone leaving Asterin and Minho saying their goodbyes.

Minho pulled her back and slowly pulled her out of the cave with his arm around her waist carefully, the sun soon hit their faces and Minho pulled the girl to his embrace, Asterin's forehead resting against his shoulder as she tried to get a glimpse of the boy making sure he's safe.

"Hey, don't you dare blame yourself. He was a hero and never will be forgotten." Minho's beautiful eyes stared deep into hers as he cupped her cheek carefully.

The group of 7 walked in silence under the beaming sun that blinded them, no one spoke a word and only the sound of wind slapping their faces was heard, then a gunshot echoed from far and that was when she knew that he died, more tears clouded her vision and Asterin had to bite her hand to stop herself fron sobbing, she could see everyone trying not to cry and it was painful how they lost Alby, Chuck, Gally and now Winston in one go.

Who more can she lose?


The night soon came and here everyone sat in silence surrounding the fire, the sparks of fire flowing in the cold night air and Asterin brushed Minho's hair as he laid on her thigh that were warm, the feeling of her fingers on his scalp was amazing as he almost fell asleep.

"I thought we were supposed to be immune.." Minho finally decided to speak as he fiddled with her finger that he wished he would place a ring on one day "not all of us, I guess..." Replied Teresa making the girl on top of him stop for a second and stare at nothing but complete emptiness with a glare, "if Winston can get infected we should assume so can the rest of us." Newt replied making Asterin slightly grow irritated.

"Well that is very lovely of you Newt, we just witnessed our closest friend die and now you assume we're all gonna get infected, thank you so much for trying to bright up our mood, in which is not fucking working." Asterin finally spoke rolling her eyes at the boy words, she was annoyed and they could hear it in her tone, Minho gave the girl a gentle press on her palm to calm her down in which she only apologized and look down. "Sorry, Newt."

Newt on the other hand wasn't mad about her sudden sarcasm and snapping in fact he didn't care at all knowing that she couldn't believe what happened to Winston and probably blames herself for not saving him or finding a way to help him, he showed her a small smile indicating that he wasn't angry at all but felt bad.

"I never thought I'd say it..." a tear rolled down Fry's cheek as he stared at the fire with his arm wrapped around his knees close to his chest, Asterin has been comforting him ever since what happened and she only decided to rest once they made the bonfire just like they always did when a greenie came, "...I miss the glade." Fry was right, everyone does.

They missed the working everyday.


Alby's order.

Chuck's laughter.

Ben's jokes and especially both Asterin's and Minho's room.

"Same Fry, same." She sighed heavily before laying back on the bag to rest her head, "I think we should rest, we have a big day tomorrow." She said and turned to the side trying to hide her tears flowing and not to sob out loud, she could hear everyone shifting around to sleep and the someone pouring water on the fire to turn it off.

"Good night." Said Aris to the gladers who immediately replied back except Asterin knowing that her voice would break if she spoke, she was crying silently and was biting her lip so hard to try and stop herself from having a panic attack, "night." With that silence fell upon them and Asterin'a back was to Minho who couldn't help but narrow his eye, 'did I do something?' He thought.

Suddenly a hand slid around her waist and goosebumps rushed down her back as she wiped her tears in a hurry and tried to pretend that she was sleeping, everyone was already asleep just by the sound of their light snores, turning around she was met by a confused Minho, his eyes narrowed, his beautiful tanned skin shining under the moonlight and those lips she always wanted to kiss were slightly pouted.

God he's driving her crazy.

Minho immediately noticed the dried tears on her cheek and immediately pulled her towards him by the waist and spinned her gently around so she can face him, wiping the dried tears with his thumb he watched as Asterin tried to hold her tears back, pulling her to his embrace for god knows how many times today, they both laid in silence.

Asterin's leg wrapped around Minho's, her head on his chest listening to his heart beat that calmed her down instantly and his hand brushing her hair as they both stared at the stars on top of them, "they're beautiful.." she whispered and watched as a shooting star flew on the sky making her slightly smile, "that's probably Winston saying that he's in heaven... right Minho?" She asked grinning up at the boy warmly who nodded in reply.

"Yes love."

They both laid there in silence wishing this moment would never pass nor end, just them with their legs tangled together and counting the stars, naming every shooting star that passed and stared at the moon with red cheeks, both madly in love with the moon reflecting in their dark brown eyes like absolute Angels.

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now