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Asterin would absolutely do anything for her friends and if dying was to save them, she'll do it without a second thought even if she was afraid of dying and that was a rather terrifying thing but for her family, anything.

Well, let's talk about her past shall we and the reason why she have anger issues and especially how she got those special skills?

Well, let's begin.

Flashback; before the maze.

Asterin was supposed to be Wicked's special weapon, she was supposed to be the leader of W.C.K.D after Janson, and was forced to train every single day until midnight she was fighting men who by the time grew taller and stronger than her that she always ended up on the ground bleeding heavily by the end of the day and eyes dull as she tried not to fall unconscious.

With Janson screaming on top of his lungs at how useless she is when she's the top one best assassin and trained girl out of the whole building, her attitude was high and the sarcasm and anger was her weapon; mean-tempered and sometimes violent due to her anger issues, she almost killed Janson if it wasn't for the syringe in her neck drugging her once again, the day she was about to be sent to the maze.

She used to listen to a lot of music, and that was her love, she would always be found walking around the building listen to music with a book in her hand or will disappear the whole day training. Minho would watch her silently in the cafeteria as he sat with Newt and Thomas in the table, his chin resting in his hand and a small smile in the corner of his lips once he noticed her fiddling with the ring and looked around the cafeteria in search of her brother

Making straight eye contact with him watching as he looked away with slightly wide eyes and red cheeks making her immediately know who this charming person was trying to get her attention. Minho didn't expect her to come and sit with them but once she did she greeted the boys and wrapped her arm around Fry's shoulder with a smile that made him melt in his spot.

She turned to look at him noticing that he was already staring at her with heart eyes, a bright grin was on her lips.

Asterin shot him a wink turning her head away from the embarrassed and tensed boy who cleared his throat to show his confidence side her eyes never leaving his proudly for making him melt just with a wink.


Asterin found Minho attractive especially whenever she catches him working out in the gym punching the huge bag, the way she would stare at how his veins would show up at any sign heaviness, god his arms, his chest, his abs...

Everything about him was perfect and it was Asterin's turn to blush whenever he catches her staring, the way his hand would press firmly on her hip to lift her up so she can do some pull ups was sending her to cloud 9 maybe even higher, the way she could feel his eyes lingering down her body especially at her waist.

He was like a drug to her and she was like a drug to him.

They were addicted.

But eventually someone had to do it and it was Asterin, she sneaked out of her room after taking a shower after another day of finishing her training, she slightly knocked on his room waiting for him to open the door, she bit her lip nervously earning a groan once she accidentally bit her wound slightly from the sharp punch she got earlier.

The door opened revealing Minho ruffling his hair, drops of water racing down his chest and to his grey sweatpants as Asterin stared at him with wide eyes, she forgot what she had to say and tried to fight the urge of looking down. "Uh- hey do you wanna hang out, I wanna show you something." She managed to say after gathering her courage.

Minho nodded without a second thought and pulled her in his room to not get caught by the passing guards, Asterin looked around the room that was painted in black and stared out the window waiting for him to change, "you can look, you know? It's not like you've never seen me." He said with a low chuckle.

Asterin turned around and leaned against the window with a smirk, "oh please, I'll stare the whole night if you want, just keep that place hidden." She said gesturing to his private part with a teasing grin, Minho rolled his eye before making his way towards her and pulling her towards the door.

The black shirt tight showing his oerfect torso that was like a greek god, his hair slightly damp and his eyes burning hers.

The teenagers sneaked out of their rooms and brushed past the guards slightly while grinning like idiots, they ran hand intertwined and laughed freely until they reached the rooftop staring at the city in front of them, Minho never been in the rooftop knowing the rules but seeing it for the first time.

The city blue lights at midnight was so amazing that he felt as if he was staring at a painting made by Van Gogh in front of his eyes. And Asterin standing beside him staring at the bright city in front of her was breathtaking, the lights reflecting her beautiful face that was slightly bruised but still amazing.

He adored her, absolutely.

She was smiling. The smile that warmed everyone's heart, it wasn't the usual sneaky or innocent one to shiw that she was a pure angel outside but is a devil inside. The grin that made him happy, feel a way that no one shall ever get to experience. The grin she only showed him and his friends.

The butteflies in his stomach was annoting but seeing the angel in front of him was-UGH! Absolutely everything to him, he wasn't dreaming.

He wasn't dreaming of standing beside her, holding her hand dearly and softly feeling the cold metal of the ring he placed in front of her room one night after noticing her stressed amd tired form, to place at least a small smile on her lips and not see her in pain.

End of flashback

A/n; hi guys, this chapter is not really long, i just had a stressful day but thank you for reading it and hope you have a lovely day or night<33

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