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the guards pushed her through the doors of the cafeteria watching as she turned towards them glaring slightly, "men, fucking assholes, treating women like shit when we're way more powerful than them.." she murmured against her breath looking around the place in awe, they were teenagers around the whole place, girls and boys, some in the same age and some older than her.

The sight of Frypan's hand waving for her caught her eyes as she walked towards them, "hey boys." She greeted while sitting between Minho and Frypan and planting a kiss to Minho's neck, the boys immediately turned toward the girl showering her with questions while Minho was frozen in his spot staring at her with wide eyes, did she just kiss his neck?

"what happened?"

"What did he ask you?'

"Are you okay? I'll shucking cut him if he did something?"

It was annoying, Asterin throwed her head on the table in frustration before grabbing the piece of bread from Minho's plate biting on it, "can we talk about it when we go back to our beds?" She asked lazily ruffling Thomas hair with a small smile, "you don't need to cut him Tommy, if he touches me or even say something bad I'll do it myself." She said.

"This big loud explosion and these guy's came out of no where. Started shooting up the place." A guy that she don't seem to know said making her frown, "what about the rest, the people that were left in the maze what happened to them?" Asked Newt the boy who didn't know what to say, "I don't know, I guess WCKD still has them." He replied.

Both Asterin and Newt looked at each other with a frown on their faces and for a second she thought Newt was reading her thoughts, they had a strange telepathy going on between them "how long have you guys been here?" Newt accent was thick with curiosity and Thomas was trying so hard to fight the urge of smiling at his voice. "Not long. Just a day or two. That kid over there has been here the longest. For a week" He said turning to look at a boy sitting in a table alone with his hood on his head.

"His maze was nothing but girls." A guy beside the boy that was talking finally spoke and his eyes were the shape of hearts as he stared at Asterin curious face, Minho jaw clenched as he noticed the boy eyes on his girl, he hated it. "Really?" His voice was harsh as he placed his hand on Asterin's waist pulling her closer, the girl on the other hand stared down at his hand in confusion before back up to the two guy's talking.

The black haired girl swore that she saw fire in his eyes as he pulled her close to him, she knew what he was doing a smile was on her lips as she immediately knew why he was showing affection in front of the guy, he was jealous. His dark brown eyes she loved were like sharp knives as he stared deep into his eyes, the boy on the other hand shifted uncomfortably in his seat looking everywhere but Minho.

"Some guys have all the luck." Asterin rolled her eyes in annoyance, why does everyone wants to be in a maze full of girls or wants a girl to be with then alone in the maze, "are you guy's dating?" He asked changing the subject and turning to look at the beautiful girl who was out of thoughts, the brown skinned boy eyes the two teenagers as his eyes stopped at Minho's hand on her waist, "yes." They both replied in unison.

Asterin was jealous of those girls staring at her boy, and Minho was jealous of the guys staring at his girl.

Even the gladers seemed to be surprised by the quick answer, "really?" Everyone could hear the disappointment in the guy's voice as he nodded understandably, "y'all don't find this place suspicious?" She suddenly asked the teenagers in front of her without looking away from the boy alone in the table, she wanted to go over to him and sit with him to find more informations about this strange place.



About to make her way inside the room she was suddenly stopped dead in her tracks by a guards hand in front of her, "what?" She asked harshly the guard, all her friends were now staring at them in concern, "you cannot sleep with the boys. Boss order." Asterin rolled her eyes and tried to push past him but his grip was stronger. "Back the fuck up." She snapped her voice louder as she looked straight into his eyes.

"I'm sorry-"

"What's going on there?" The voice she despised sounded behind them as the guard immediately froze in his spot and turned to look at Janson, "I should be asking that question, why am I not aloud to stay with my friends?" She asked the ratman with crossed arms in front of her chest, her voice raspy with anger as she immediately wanted a answer.

"You're not supposed to be staying in a room with the boys, that is one of our rules." He replied watching as Asterin wasn't satisfied with his answer and instead just scoffed, "why not? Is it because I'm a girl or because I'm black?" She said hearing the boys chuckling from behind, "what?! No- no it's not because of that, we have separated rooms for the girls and for the boys. I'm sorry, Asterin, but you can't stay with them."

She didn't know what to say except turn to look at the gladers who had worry in their eyes, the guard closed the door and started pushing her down the hallway to where the girls are supposed to sleep, turning around one last she could see Minho's face in the little window and he pure rage in his eyes was noticeable.

She gave him a reassuring smile and mouthing a 'see you tomorrow love'.


The door behind slammed shut and Asterin looked around the room that only had 2 girls in it, the trio made their way towards Asterin with bright smiles on their lips, "Hi, Welcome!!" Greeted a beautiful red haired girl with piercing blue eyes with a smile that warmed her heart, Asterin without a second thought smiled back, "thank you so much." Another girl with brown hair came towards her with another smile.

"You're the new girl everyone is talking about, Asterin, right?" Said the brown haired girl with her hand out, Asterin shook her hand nodding in reply, "yes I am." The red haired girl smile lovingly at her, happy that she got a friend, "it's nice to meet you, I'm Blair and this is Rynn." Asterin could hear the excitement in her voice as she introduced herself and Rynn.

"You can have whatever bed you want!" Thanking the girl she slowly climbed up the top bed staring at the ceiling, why is no one in this room but 2 girls only?


The night soon came over and both Rynn and Blair where fast asleep, Asterin on the other hand sat on the chair staring at the water dropping in the sink, she couldn't sleep, she couldn't sleep without her friends, she couldn't sleep nor forget the haunting night on their way out of the maze. She couldn't rest, knowing that she'll wake up panting heavily with sweat rushing down the back of her neck.

Pulling her knees close to her chest a sudden bang caught her attention as she snapped her head to where the sound came from, the vents. Grabbing a baseball bat from beside the sink she slowly made her way towards the vent about to swing at whoever it was, peering under the bed she stared at the boy in front of her. "What the fuck?!" She exclaimed whispering harshly, with one swing, Aris would've been knocked out.

"Come on, let's go." He said gesturing for her to follow him, Asterin narrowed her eyes, "hell no, I ain't going in with you." She said staring at him weirdly, "oh come on, Asterin." Thomas voice startled the girl as without a second thought she crawled under the bed following Asris in the vent, "Thomas, bro what are you doing here?"

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now