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Asterin was like Newt's sister, well not by blood but he still treated her like one and will always do, he loved making her morning coffee and she was absolutely adorable yet strong. He hated how everyone drooled over the girl like dogs who didn't eat a meal in weeks, it was frustrating, and had to scold them whenever they would stare at her so much along with Frypan. Newt looked over to Asterin who stood behind him and beside Frypan, her arm wrapped around the boy's shoulder as she listened to Gally's words with a raised eyebrow, "things are changing, there's no denying that." said Gally looking around as if he was the leader, she hated how he immediately forgot that Alby was the leader and Newt was the second in command and immediately started talking shit as if none of them existed, her nose scrunched in anger as she tried to smooth her anger down. 

"First Ben gets stung, and then Alby." Asterin rolled her eyes, "yeah no shit sherlock but who gave you the permission to talk-" she muttered under her breath feeling a slight nudge on her shoulder she turned around to look at Frypan who was gesturing for her to shut up, she did as told and turned to look over to Minho who stood 5 feet away from them with arms crossed, her cheeks reddened once she remembered what happened earlier, "and now our greenie here, he's taken it upon himself to go into the maze, which is a clear violation of our rules here." She stepped in, standing beside Next who looked at her warningly, "And that greenie there, that's you're talking about saved Alby's life and that is something you never did, Gally. Plus he killed a griever and tricked it.'' Fired back Asterin glaring at the boy, Newt didn't say anything but leaned against the wood and agreed with her words, his frown deeper as he listened to the girl defend Thomas.

"and now he killed one of them. who knows what that could mean to us." said Gally trying to ignore the girl's death glare that definitely burned holes on his back, "well what do you suggest we do?" Newt's voice echoed around the room, "he has to be punished." Asterin laughed sarcastically as she put her lip, "oh god this is so funny, you're joking right? please tell me you do." she said watching as he shook his head from left to right in reply looking straight into her eyes, the tension between them was hotter and with every step she did her words got more threatening than it already was, "first of all, since when did you become the leader as far as I know is that when Alby isn't here, Newt is in charge and not you. Second of all, before even talking you should be asking Minho's opinion and I's, the runners. And third of all, you're lucky that I'm trying to keep my temper down, or else I would've already punched you by now, how dare you talk about the greenie like that when he's the reason we're back home?" 

She spoke, and everyone in the room let out a snicker or an 'ohhh she roasted you!' and Minho couldn't help but smirk proudly at the girl, she looked so hot right now, standing behind Gally who looked at her with a spark of fear in his eyes, Newt rolled his eyes and turned to look over to the keeper of the runners who was staring at the girl beside him with a cocked eyebrow and sly grin, "Minho." he called for the runner who turned to look at the second in command, "you were there with him, what do you think?" now everyone's attention was on him and a sigh left his lips, he looked at Asterin who nodded her head reassuringly at him, a boost of confidence rushing through the runner's veins as he cleared his throat.

"I think, in all the time we've been here no one's ever killed a griever before." Asterin turned to look at Thomas who was listening carefully to his words, "when I turned tail and ran, these two dumb shanks, stayed behind to help Alby. look I don't know if he's brave or stupid." a few laughs came from some gladers and Frypan himself let out a laugh making the girl kick his leg from behind earning a groan in response, Newt didn't laugh but only turned to look at Thomas with the same frowned eyes and clenched jaw, "whatever it is we need more of it, I saw we make him a runner." the chattering and rabbling of everyone in the room immediately broke as both Asterin and Newt smiled proudly at each other, "a runner? hold up!" Chuck immediately started cheering for the boy who also couldn't believe what he just heard.

"That's fine! go ahead, but there is one thing that I know about the maze is it you do not-" his voice was cut off by the sound of the sirens calling indicating that the box was coming up, that's weird, Newt immediately without a second thought made his way out of the Homestead and ran towards the box followed by Gally and then Frypan, "the box is coming back up.." Chuck said standing beside Thomas who was confused, "it shouldn't be.." both Asterin and Minho muttered together and both ran towards the box, everyone gathering around like bees around their beehive which was irritating and Asterin had to push through the crowd to get a better look at the new person, "Newt what do you see?" called someone in the crowd, Newt looked up "it's a girl." Asterin breath hitched as she pushed and stood beside Gally peering, there was indeed a girl, "I think she's dead, Asterin you deal with that." Newt called for the girl who frowned and glared at the unconscious girl, "yeah no shit." she replied walking away from the group.

"She's the last one ever, what the hell does that mean? did I say something bad?" he asked holding the paper in his hand where it was writing in black 'SHE'S THE LAST ONE EVER' as if it was a warning, and Newt was confused as to why Asterin just left in rage and had to rethink his words hoping he didn't say anything bad.

Minho looked at the girl who ran towards the room and down to the new one, he pushed once again through the crowd and followed her to the room confused as to why she was glaring at the girl when she didn't even say a word. What is going on?

Is she jealous? 

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now