Chapter Three-The fairy and the beast

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Emily's POV

After I dived into her but due to the dark rain she starts to slip from my grasp so I summon the girls and they help me carry her but we still need a convergence spell

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After I dived into her but due to the dark rain she starts to slip from my grasp so I summon the girls and they help me carry her but we still need a convergence spell.Stella is disgusted with how she looks, and then Brandon ,Sky and the rest come join us. Stella quickly hides while we explain to them what happened in the palace and as the guards run after us, the boys   hold them off and  I give them a communicator and tell them to go to the ship.Stella leads us  through the forest to a secret exit and the guards release the hounds of Solaria . Stella trips and falls, but the hounds recognize her and she tells the dogs to go home. She tells us  how she found a hollow tree and tied a ribbon it to remember which tree it was. We find the tree and journey into the tunnels.There is much more mud and narrower tunnels than Stella remembers, and Stella gets stuck. We pull her out but  realize that dirt and rocks are falling on us and soon we are running from a giant builder. The tunnel splits and we decide to go into the left tunnel and the boulder gets stuck. There are giant holes in the walls and giant spiders coming out of them. We  all get trapped in the sticky nets, and the spiders tie us all up except for Techna. Techna creates an illusion of the others, distracting the spiders long enough to free us. We reach a lake and  try to make a breathing bubble, but leeches grab onto all of us  and we  all pass out from them except for Stella. Stella breaks a wall and the current washes them away. We are able to escape and I send their coordinates to Sky, Brandon and the rest.

On the ship, I contacts  Alfea and tell them will be arriving soon. Brandon is surprised by Stella's weird behavior and she tells him it is nothing which makes me sigh.  romantic interest for Stella . We research a way to cure the monster spell on Stella in the library. And with Stella still worrying about her appearance as she will face Brandon again, Flora and I  decide to put a spell on him so that he only sees Stella's inner beauty. I call my mom and she  then tells us about the Mirror of Truth and we decide to go after it.

Knut overhears Stella talking about Brandon and thinks she is talking about him so Stella and I  teach him some etiquette when going after a girl. As we are doing so, Flora comes into the room and jokes about the situation before we leave. We  board the ship to go get the Mirror of Truth. We  fly through the Barrier Mountains and as we approach the cave, we are hit by the guardian ice storms. The ice building up to the hull of the ship is dangerous, and I  tell them to do a power dive. The plan works but soon we  are attacked by the guardians of the mirror.

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