Chapter Four-The Mirror of truth

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Emily's POV

We were fucked cause our lives were in danger from Griffins which I found quite frankly so fucking stupid.

With the Specialists preoccupied with maintaining altitude, Us , minus  Stella, used our magic to teleport the Griffins away from them.  Brandon also saves the day by rescuing Stella after she had fallen out of the ship and hanging for deal life on a cliff which made me sigh in relief.

Now out of harms way, We find the entrance to the cave and walk into where we  come across the Ice Spirits, the Guardians of the Mirror of Truth, who tell Stella  she must go and find the mirror of truth if she is to turn back to normal. The spirits give her a clue "you will find it as soon as you find yourself". Once they had given the advice, the spirits say no more. In desperation, Stella urges for more information but with no use. And so, We split up to go find it.I rub her back in comfort.

As We search, Stella stumbles across a lake not realizing it was the mirror  she was staring in. Brandon soon joins the frustrated Stella and I , who are under the impression that he cannot see how Stella really looks.

Brandon then confesses that he could see all along how she really looked despite the spell Flora and I  had placed onto him. They share a deep conversation and embrace each other. And when questioned why he did not turn away from her, Brandon smiles kindly and tells her that she is beautiful to him because of who she is not and for her looks. He then asks our friends as to what they truly see her for as well; they list that she is an honest, cheerful, fun and a warm loving friend and I said she is the best friend a fairy could ever have. This  seems to touch Stella's heart when she learns people love her for her and not her looks. It brings her to tears which drip onto the pool, shattering the ice and unknown to them, reveals the mirror. Then Brandon gives Stella the present he meant to give to her at her princess ball which I had helped him get .

Knowing now that Brandon loves her even as a monster, the mirror of truth turns Mon-Stella back into Stella. One of the spirits congratulate the Fairy of the Sun and the Moon, and with that they headed back to Alfea.

Upon returning to a new year has just started and that means new fairies have arrived as well. Back in Bloom  and Flora's dorm room, Stella is telling Aisha  what she had missed out during their journey to the Mirror of Truth. Of course, it was a bit exaggerated and Musa and I  could not help but really show Aisha how Stella felt, prompting our friends to laugh.

I noticed Aisha weird behavior but let it slide cause Faragonda told us that we would have to save someone  from our home world to reach enchantix the final fairy stage.

 My heart broke when Aisha told us that Andros was under attack from a dude named Valtor which for some reason sent shivers down my spine.

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