Chapter Twenty-One-Witches Revelation

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Emily's POV

We were woken up in the middle of the night to do some dumb senace to the Ancestral witches we realized that they weren't dead they just didn't answer

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We were woken up in the middle of the night to do some dumb senace to the Ancestral witches we realized that they weren't dead they just didn't answer.We travel to cloud tower to some answers which I thought was a bit dangerous because it was Valtor's base of operation but I didn't say anything.

After examining the area where Cloud Tower had stood, Techna and I concluded that there might be an invisible Barrier around the school. We  use our Enchantix powers together with the Water Stars . For a few seconds, we see Cloud Tower and Flora uses her fairy dust which in turn reveals the shape of the school. Since the barrier spell was too powerful, Flora's was able to make small cracks in the barrier. All of us  (except Bloom) use our Fairy Dust to miniaturize ourselves and to go through the barrier. Once inside the barrier We all together activated their Fairy Dust and the spell was gone.

As we fly through the halls of Cloud Tower, heading towards its crypt, the Trix intercept our path. We easily outdo the Trix but Darcy causes the group to split as she uses her powers to startle Stella into a fleeing frenzy. As the group tries to search for Stella they are separated. Meanwhile, Aisha and Bloom split up to look for Stella.In the midst of the search, Bloom  and I find the crypt and the Ancestral Witches revealed that Valtor had lied to her and that her birth parents are out there somewhere impossible for her to reach them.

After we learn of this, we reunite with our friends and together  we deal with the Trix. We then return to school and inform Griffin that her school is back. The head witchtress expresses her gratitude making me smile.

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