Chapter 4

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I can't believe it came to this, I told my gay friend, that liked me, that I was bi! "Thanks for understanding, Carter." I whispered, my eyes still watery as we continued to hug.
"You're my best friend, of coarse I understand." He pulled away, his arms still on my shoulders, staring at my eyes with a big smile on his face. I smiled back, "We should probably get ready to go. it's almost 4:30." He added looking at the clock.
"Good idea." I walk into my room and close the door. I take my comb and brush it through my hair as I mumble a little song and in my head I'm singing;

I keep going to the river to pray

Cause I need, something that can wash all the pain

And at most, I'm sleeping all the demons away

But your ghost, the ghost of you it keeps me awake;

Then I start to sing louder as I continue to get ready;

My friends had you figured out

Yeah, they say what's inside of you

Tried hiding in another you

But, your evil is coming through

these guys sitting on the wall

They watch ever move I make

Bright light living in the shade

Your cold heart makes my spirit shake

I had to go through hell to prove I'm not insane

Had to meet the devil just to know his name

And that's where my love was burning

Yeah, it's still burning

I keep going to the river to pray

Cause I need, something that can wash all the pain

And at most, I'm sleeping all the demons away

But your ghost, the ghost of you it keeps me awake

keep going to the river to pray

Cause I need, something that can wash all the pain

And at most, I'm sleeping all the demons away

But your ghost, the ghost of you it keeps me awake;

Then I hear the door open and there stands Carter, watching me. How long was he there? he probably thought I was a total idiot, "Hey, sorry. I just wanted to let you know, you're a really good singer." Carter smiled.
"Oh, uh. Thanks." I brushed my hand through my hair, "Ready to go?"
"Ya, I just have one last thing you can go out at start the car, I'll be right out." He left my room and walked into his own. Wow, he likes my singing, I kind of blushed, that's so nice of him but, kind of embaressing, how long was he standing there?


James left to get ready an I went to my room. I put on a plain black top and jeans and combed out my hair. Then I heard James singing in the other room, quietly made my way down the hall as I could hear more clearly what he was singing;

I keep going to the river to pray

Cause I need, something that can wash all the pain

And at most, I'm sleeping all the demons away

But your ghost, the ghost of you it keeps me away

I keep going to the river to pray

Cause I need, something that can wash all the pain

And at most, I'm sleeping all the demons away

But your ghost, the ghost of you it keeps me away;

I opened the door a little bit and James turned around and saw me. this is awkward. He was a really good singer and I wish he didn't stop, "Hey, sorry. I just wanted to let you know, your a really good singer." I smiled, he really was.
"Oh, uh. Thanks." He looked embarrassed, "Ready to go?"
"Ya, I just have one last thing, you can go out at start the car, i'll be right out." James left to the car and I walked back to my room. I knew now I had a chance with James, it might be a small chance, a really small chance, but I have to try. I know it's weird because he's my friend but he is a really nice guy and we get along super well plus we already live together. What makes it better is that he's bi now, maybe even gay! I just don't want things to get awkward, I'm gonna take it slow.
I went into my closet and pull out a box that had a label that read; secret stash. I opened up the box and looked inside. Good there all here, if James saw all these I'd never trust him. I'll try to remember to get rid of these someday, when I know I don't need them. I closed the box and put it back in my closet. I walked out of the house and saw James waiting in the car, I got in the passenger seat and buckled up, "Do you know where you're going?" I asked.
"Always." He laughed and backed up onto the road. We drove off, this was going to be a long ride.
A while passed by and it was 4:50, we will most likely be a little late. I took out my phone and texted my mom;' we are going to be a little bit late, sorry.'
Soon after she texted back; 'It's okay I am still in the middle of cooking so it will be ready when you get here.'
"Who's that? You're online boyfriend?" He joked.
"No, it's actually my mom, thank you very much. I was just telling her we'll be late."
"Oh, okay. Do you know what we're having?" I texted my mom and asked her and every once in awhile James would look at my phone waiting for a response, "So?"
"It's a surprise." He growled.
"I hate it when your mom does that." We laughed. Right after there was a song playing on the radio and I turned it up;

I keep going it the river to pray;

No way! is this weird or what? I looked at James, he was mouthing the words. I started to sing to the song and he looked at me.
"I know you know the words." I laughed a little. he grinned and sang with me, we sounded really good together.
We finally pulled into my moms driveway, "Same old." I said to myself.
"Lets go." We got out of the car and walked to the front door and I looked at James before opening it.
"Mom, we're here!"
"I'm just finishing up!" She answered back from the kitchen. Later that night, after we ate James's favourite meal, stir fry, we talked for a while and headed back home, "Bye, boys. It was nice seeing you again."
"Bye, mom."
"Bye, Carter's mom." She laughed as she waved good bye and went back inside as we got in the car and drove off.


"That was fun." I said as I buckled up.
"Yeah. Did you like dinner?"
"What kind of question is that?" We laughed, "Yeah I did!" I put the car in reverse and drove out of the driveway, we're going home. While I was driving I noticed at the corner of my eye that Carter was looking at me, "Is there something on my face?" I laughed. I looked at him, he was blushing and now looking away, "Sorry." I said looking bad at the road. He didn't answer, it's okay, he was embarrassed, I'd do the same. We finally got home after another long drive, I am exhausted.

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