Chapter 7

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I can't believe I just did that... I kissed Carter's head, why? he looked up at me and smiled, I love it when he smiles, I always have to smile back, "Thank you, for being my friend too." He says back. Then I notice Carter was gripping tighter on my hands, I looked back up, his smile got wider. I was just staring at him with a blank look then he pulled me in closer and hugged me, I hugged back. I heard Carter mumble something but I ignored it, I was smiling again and I was so happy. If Carter wasn't part of my life I don't know what I'd do. He pulled away, "James?"
"Ya?" There was a pause before he continued.
"Want to go to a club with me tonight?" I thought for a while and shrugged.
"What the hell."


I pull James in for a hug, he hugged back, "I love you." I mumbled, he didn't react. I pulled away and asked him if he wanted to go to a club tonight.
"What the hell." he smiled. Great, I'm so excited, I hope he's okay with going to a gay club? should I ask him? nah, he'll be fine. After a while we had a few snacks and got dressed into something nicer for the night and drove off to the club. It's about 9:30pm right now and the club isn't that crowded, yet. me and James walk inside and he looks around and gives me a glare, indicating he knew it was a gay place, I laughed and he did too shortly after, "I'm okay with it don't worry." he finally said.
"Okay good, I didn't want to have to worry." I held his hand and he quickly pulled away I looked at him with confusion.
"I don't want these guys to think we're dating." I nodded, he's right. Later that night around 11:00pm it was more crowded and me and James were at the bar talking. I had white wine and James had red, we both loved wine.
"Who's you?" a felt a poke on my back and turned around. it was an obviously drunk man with messy, sweaty, brown hair and half of his stomach was hanging out on his shirt, I almost barfed,"you. are. cuuute." he poked me in between words.
"He's taken!" I hear from behind me, then someone grabbed my hand, I looked and it was drunk James.


I grabbed Carter's hand, half drunk not really knowing what I was doing. I gave the large, gross, drunk man the finger and he walked away giving me a scowl, "thanks, James." Carter smiled then hugged me.
"No problem, babe!" I grabbed Carter's butt and he jumped, surprised by what I did, I laughed a drunk laugh, "lets go dance!" I exclaimed pulling away from the hug. I pulled Carter onto the dance floor with me as we continued to drink.
I wake up with a huge headache and I look around, I'm in Carter's room. That's when I notices Carter laying on top of me, snoring every once in a while as he slept. I slowly pushed him off of me and hopped out of bed, I was still fully clothed good. I walked to the washroom and took a shower when I got on Carter was up and making waffles in the kitchen. He looked and smiled as me as I walked in,"Hey, how was your sleep?" He asked.
"Good, I have a huge headache though."
"Ha, me too." we laughed. I wonder if he remembered what happened last night? I am kind of curious...
"Hey, Carter?" He turned to face the waffles again to continue on making them.
"Do you remember what we did last night?" There was a pause as Carter thought.
"No, I don't think so. Last thing I remember was when we danced together after that is was blur, why?" I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't know. I just was wondering because I kind of woke up this morning in bed with you." I said a little quiet. Carter looked at me, kind if shocked.
"What? Did we, you know." He made a gesture with his hands.
"No." he sighed in relief, "well, I don't think so. I was fully clothed."
"Okay good. I don't want things to be more awkward then it already is." I nodded in agreement.
We had our waffles, which were really good, when we finished I put the dishes away and sat on the couch with Carter.


James sat down beside me on the couch and we talked for a while about what we should do today. That's when I remembered last night; I wasn't as drunk as James and we just got home. We got inside and I closed the door behind us. When I turned back around James was right in front of me, we both smiled and started to kiss heavily. The best part was when James said, "I love you."
I lied to James about not remembering for his own good, but I love him too and I am going to ask him out, right now, "Do you think we shou-" I cut him off with a kiss, a short one, not like last night. James face was shocked.
"Sorry." I felt embarrassed so I went to my room and opened my box in my closet and took out the newest booklet I had in there and grabbed a pencil from my desk and started writing on a blank page;
Today I kissed James and it was amazing;
I continued to write and then I put it back in the box and closed the box. I put it back in the closet and closed the door, I walked out of my room and say James on his phone,"Okay see you then." He hung up and looked at me. we were silent for a long time and just did our own things until I decided to ask him where he was going later today,"Im going to an old friends." He responded. I just nodded and went on the computer, I decided to play sims4.


Carter when to his room and I turned on the TV, why did he kiss me? Well that's an obvious answer, the question is, why do I like it? My phone rang and I picked it up,"hello?"
"Hey, it's Amelia."

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