Chapter 17

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"Hey, to make up for the incident yesterday. let me take you to the beach."
"Not fair, James, you know I can never say no the the beach." I really do love the beach, it's the best.
"Exactly." He kissed my cheek, "go get ready! you're wasting time!" I laugh and run into my room to change.on the way to the beach we blasted the music and rolled down the windows, it was like a movie moment. I can't wait to get there, it going to be awesome and fun and-, "hey, Carter?" James asked turning down the music.
"Are you sure you're okay from yesterday?"
"Yes, I'm fine." I was fine, I just wasn't okay. there's a deference. I will have fun at the beach though but I don't know how I feel anymore. Noah's dating Amelia but she wants to be with James and I want to be with James but Noah wants to be with me but I don't know who James want to be with.
Love is so complicated.
I wish loving you wasn't so hard, James.

We got to the beach and ran straight for the water. I took out my phone and started taking pictures and filming. Carter was in front of me, "Lets go!" he reached his hand out, "grab my hand." I did so and turned off my phone and put it in my pocket. Once we got to the water Carter rushed in and tried to jump over the waves. I laughed and filmed him, "ah!" he screamed and ran out of the water.
"I got my shorts wet."
"Oh, sorry. should I leave?" he laughed and pushed me.
"Shut up."
"Hey, look."
"What?" I pointed to a huge group of seagulls. Cater gave me a look and then booked it scaring all the birds and making them fly away, "I found my flock!" he joked moving his arms up an down like a bird. I laughed and turned off my phone again.
"You're crazy!" I yelled.
"I know!"
Time passed and there was only me, Carter and a few other people. we watched the sun as it finished setting and we looked at each other. I smiled. He smiled. I leaned in. He leaned in. I kissed. He kissed. it was amazing. it was nothing I've had before. now I remember why I'm gay, because of him. I hope he knows I'm sorry, it's just complicated. My whole life until now I've dated girls, and liked them but now all of a sudden I find out I'm gay? it just doesn't seem right. I remember this one girl, Kylie, she was beautiful, smart, funny, just perfect and she knew how to treat me at night, I f you know what I mean. We dated for 5 years, on our 3rd year anniversary Carter came to our school, we started dating in grade 5 but it worked out, anyways, when Carter came to our school we became friends and we hung out every day, instead of hanging out with Kylie, I asked her if she wanted to hang out with us but she always said no. two years later she told me she was feeling alone and that we weren't hanging out enough so we fought for a while, not breaking up, until four mouths later I broke up with her. I almost cried, Carter was by my side and patted my back as we walked away, "it was a smart choice. she didn't even want to look at you in the halls. She was an ass of a girlfriend." I smiled and hugged him, then we started to walk again, "don't worry, I'm always there if you need me." he winked at me. I pushed him and laughed.
"Gross, man. I'm as straight as a pole."
"Yeah, but I pole can be bent."
"What ever. I'm not going to f*ck you, man."
"Don't worry, I was joking."
Wow, Carter was right! A pole can be bent, god, "ready to go?" he asked.
"Yeah." I drove us home in silence while Carter talked about the fun time we had at the beach. when we got inside the house and he hugged me, "what's this for?"
"For being awesome."
"Whatever, I'm the opposite of that."
"No. you even said so in high-school, you said, 'I am as awesome and a talkin, walkin possum.' ha, yeah, still funny."
"Oh god!" I roles my eyes.

"I'm going to head to bed."
"Good idea, we need to get up for my family dinner tomorrow."
"Oh god, you're right!" I totally forgot about that, "okay I'm going to get EXTRA sleep tonight."
"Alright, I'm going to stay up for a while. Also you have to go to the daycare in the morning."
"Jeez, I'm going to be busy!"
"Yep." I went to my room and changed. I laid in bed and closed my eyes. I start to hear James singing;

Baby I've been I've been loosing sleep, dreaming about the things that we could be;

I'm going to sleep very well tonight;

IIIII'm gonna swing from the Chandelier, from the Chandelier.
IIIIII'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist, like if doesn't exist.
IIIIII'm gonna fly like a bird through the night, feel my tears as they dry.
IIIIIII'm gonna swing from the Chandelier, from the Chandelier;

Dang, I will never be able to sing that high pitch. He is so talented it's unbelievable. the singing stopped and I could hear James walking by and he went into his room and closed the door. I feel asleep with a really huge smile on my face. James always knows how to make me smile, he's perfect. Im so happy I met him.

As I was singing I could hear Carter in his room quietly singing along. Finally I had to head to sleep so I walked into my room and went into bed, I started to sing again later in the night and there was now other sound but me, that's how I knew Carter was fast asleep, "good night and sweet dreams, Carter." I whispered, then I fell asleep.

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